- This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接續上一章談到的內容。
- Let's bring this chapter to a close. 讓我們結束這一章吧!
- This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument. 這一章包含著作者論證的主要部分。
- The focus of this chapter is the American Revolution. 本章的重點是講美國獨立戰爭。
- Precis this chapter in two pages. 用兩頁寫出這一章的大意。
- This chapter fully discusses the Kosovo War. 本章充分論述科索沃戰爭。
- This chapter goes down to the death of James II. 這一章記載了詹姆斯二世的死。
- I do not want to end this chapter on a bitter note. 我不想以痛苦的口吻來結束這一章。
- In this chapter we will discuss angular momentum. 本章將討論角動量。
- The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight. 第三版漏印這一章是個大疏忽。
- For this chapter, sending messages will suffice. 至於這一章,只需理解消息傳送就足夠了。
- In this chapter, we explore how and why. 在本章中我們將探討如何消除和為什麼要消除它們。
- This chapter shifts from the parts to the whole. 本章將從局部轉移到整體。
- We'll do the rest of this chapter on Thursday. 下周四我們繼續學完這一章的剩下部分。
- But I end this chapter on amends with a prayer. 在這一章,我以一篇禱文作結。
- You ll play two roles in this chapter. 您將在本章中扮演兩個角色。
- Let's take a look at this chapter. 讓我們看一看這一章。
- This chapter focuses on two broad groups. 但最令我激動的是第二類人群。
- Few are covered in this chapter. 很少的在這一個章節中被複蓋。
- Five of those are in this chapter. 其中五個在這一章中出現。