- Nearly 90 percent of the living changes were spotted, compared with 66 percent for inanimate objects. 在我們生活中90%25的生物的變化會被注意,而只有66%25的非生物的變化會被注意。
- Real Programmers only curse at inanimate objects. 真正的程序員只咒罵單調的對象。
- You lose arguments with inanimate objects. 你輸掉了同無生命的東西的辯論。
- Animals are living beings, not inanimate objects. 動物是生靈,不是沒有生命的物體。
- A rock is thought of as an inanimate object. 岩石是沒有生命的物體。
- It may have been around long enough for inanimate matter to come alive. 或許時間已久到足以讓無生命物質萌發生機。
- He wondered if inanimate objects might have a mental existence. 他懷疑是否非生物也可能具有思想意識。
- Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects. 啞的缺乏說話能力的,指有生命或無生命的物體
- This has not always been so with inanimate objects upon their alter, which they have given away or thrown away in times past. 但對他們聖壇上不是活物的物品,就不一定如此,所以他們曾在過去將它們丟棄。
- Most of us were taught as children to take good care of inanimate objects, even though they feel no pain and have no moral sense. 多數人在小時候就被教導要照顧好無生命的物體--即便它們感受不到痛苦、沒有道德感。
- Museums and statues abound, and thanks to one of only two specialist schools in Germany, they also know the secret of bringing inanimate objects to life. 在這裡,博物館和雕塑雕像比比皆是,得益於德國兩所專科學院的幫助,這裡的人們總是能夠為無生命的物體賦予新的生命。
- Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. 擬人論,擬人觀賦予無生命的物體,動物或自然現象以人的動機,特徵或行動
- A rock is an inanimate object. 石頭是無生命的物體。
- A moral fable,especially one having animals or inanimate objects as characters. 寓言道德寓言,尤指以動物或無生命物體作為角色的寓言
- The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him. 漫畫人物的目標就是與人類作對並最終打敗他們。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他們對我所做的好事簡直無可估量。
- Dwarven engineers are capable of fixing all machines, and inanimate objects. 矮人工程師能夠修理各種器械,解決各類問題。
- Specific living or inanimate objects that can cause health problems to hosts. 一些種類的生命體或者無生命體都可能引起宿主的健康問題。
- I have penned many profound words upon the subject of "inanimate objects". 我在寫「無生命物體」的時候用了許多深奧的字眼。
- Fomite. An inanimate object that is contaminated with infectious agents. 污染物。被病原污染的非生命體。