- I'm going to exemplify one or two of these points. 我打算就論點中的一、兩個方面舉例說明。
- Some of these points will be elaborated in the following chapter. 其中幾點將在下一章作詳細闡述。
- I am go to exemplify one or two of these point. 我打算就論點中的一、兩個方面舉例說明。
- Thomas Mann seconded these points. 托馬斯·曼表示贊同這些觀點。
- We shall endeavor to clear up these points for you. 這一點我們將努力替你弄清楚。
- Exactly where these points are chosen is arbitrary. 這些點具體選在哪裡,可由我們自定。
- We wait for early explanation of these points. 我方等待貴方對這些要點儘早予以解釋。
- What do these points stand for on the map? 地圖上的這些點代表什麼?
- To locate an extremum we look for these points. 為了確定極值,我們需要找這些點。
- Now these points of data make a beautiful line. 現在這些數據化成如此美麗的一條線。
- Will you advise on these points? 關於這幾點你提些意見,好嗎?
- These points are analysed below. 下面就來分析這幾點。
- These points have great weight with him. 這幾點對他極為重要。
- Read about these points in your textbook. 閱讀課本中這些問題。
- These points had entirety slippedmy memory. 這幾個問題我一點兒也沒想起 。
- Did you make these points at the meeting? 這些問題你在會上提出來了嗎?
- All of these points are questionable. 所有這些觀點都值得商榷。
- We should strengthen education on both these points. 要加強這方面的教育。
- I shall try,as far as in me lies,to make these points clear. 我將儘力把這幾點講清楚。
- These points fully attest to the rarity of the painting. 這也說明此圖珍貴之所在。