We plan to build dozens of thermal power plants in our province. 我省計劃興修幾十家熱電廠。
Shuangyushu Heating Plant will be expanded and Caoqiao Gas-Fired Cogeneration Plant built. 完成雙榆樹供熱廠擴建工程及草橋燃氣熱電廠新建工程。
This Paper introduced structure reform for main steam pipe of heat and power plant at a Petrochemical factory. 本文簡述了某煉油廠熱電站主蒸汽母管的結構改造和動力設備的調優運行。
The public hearings on the coal-burning generating plant would begin. 火力發電廠的公眾意見聽取會將要開始了。
The seal oil cooling system of a turbogenerator constitutes a complicated system in the simulation study of thermal power plants. 在火力發電廠電站模擬研究中,汽輪發電機密封油冷卻系統是一個複雜系統。