- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正確地使用社會科學的理論
- Inspired by Quesnay's Tableau Economique, Marx had attempted with Tableau Economique form to construct the theory of social reproduction model. 摘要馬克思受魁奈的啟發,試圖用經濟表的形式來構建自己的社會再生產理論模型。
- Karl Marx's theory of ideology could well be considered a type of social epistemology. 卡爾·馬克思的意識形態理論可以被看作是一種社會認識論。
- On the Primary stage of Socialism based on Marx's Theory of Social Formation. 從馬克思社會形態理論看社會主義初級階段。
- Water Policy, Water Resources Economics, Theory of Social Water Cycle, Resources and Environment Management, etc. 水政策、水資源經濟學、社會水循環理論、資源與環境管理等。
- He lent an attentive ear to the theories of socialism. 他認真傾聽關於社會主義的理論。
- The theory of promoting can also be understood from the eyeshot of social welfare and post-modernization. 激勵理論也可以從社會福利理論和後現代主義的視野認識。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他對社會制度的問題保持沉默。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦提出了相對論的新學說。
- Optimizing the impact of social determinants of health on exposed populations in urban settings. 優化社會的決定因素取決於:城市規劃中對外人口的健康狀態衝擊到最佳。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦的相對論。
- The theory of social structure [TSS] deals with components of society and the way in which they constitute and promote the development of a society . 社會結構理論是關於社會有機體由何種要素、如何構成以及構成要素之間的相互作用如何推動社會變遷和社會發展的理論。
- From the 1960s to 1990s, theory of social situation developed on the basis of deep discussions of the characteristic of underclass and its emergence. 摘要1960-1990年代,西方學術界圍繞「底層階級」貧困群體的特徵及產生,進行了一系列深入的研究和討論,並形成了與此相關的理論解釋-社會情境理論。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波動理論嗎?
- According to the theory of social liability, the modem school objects to retribution penal theory and is in favor of intent penal theory. 基於社會責任論,近代學派反對報應刑論,主張目的刑論,認為刑罰目的在於防止再犯、防衛社會;
- After analysis of the background of the theory of social epistemology, the author studied its content and functions from macro, medium and micro views. 摘要梳理了謝拉「社會認識論」的產生背景,從宏觀、中觀和微觀三個層面認識圖書館的「社會中介」作用;
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武斷地斥貶佛洛依德和楊格二人的理論。
- Weber, Max 1947 The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, translated by A.M.Henderson and Talcott Parsons.New York: Free Press. 魯樂中譯(Tom Peters原著) 民86 解放型管理(上):無結構時代的腦體事業;台北:時報文化.
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 達爾文提出了進化論。
- Marx's theory of social organism is the Marx's view of society and history, and is his highly-condensed historical materialism. 摘要馬克思的社會有機體理論是馬克思的社會歷史觀,是對其唯物史觀的高度濃縮。