- Zai Zhang contributed to the theory of human nature. 張載在人性論方面的貢獻。
- Zhang Zai s theory of human nature comprises both born nature and temperament. 張載的人性論是由「天地之性」和「氣質之性」兩部分組成的。
- Theories of human communication II. 人類傳播理論2。
- Traditional discussions about the nature of value almost tend towards individualism and theory of human nature. 對價值本性的傳統探討大多走向了以人為中心的個體主義和人性論。
- "The theory of human nature" which some people in Yenan advocate as the basis of their so-called theory of literature and art puts the matter in just this way and is wholly wrong. 現在延安有些人們所主張的作為所謂文藝理論基礎的「人性論」,就是這樣講,這是完全錯誤的。
- Originated from moral integrity in ancient Hellenic times, western theory of human nature paved the way for the development of rationalism. 摘要西方人性理論在古希臘時期從人的德性出發,奠定了理性主義的發展趨向。
- The theory of human nature is always the central discussion of Chinese culture, especially Confucianism. 人性論一直是中國文化,特別是儒家文化談論的中心話題。
- Marx's theory about human nature and foremost position is the philosophy foundation of his theory of human force. 馬克思關於人的本質及主體地位的論述是馬克思人力思想最為重要的哲學基礎;
- This artic discusses Daizhen s theory of human nature from the history of philosophy. 本文從哲學史的角度來探討戴震的人性理論;
- In The Smiling Proud Wanderer, through comparing Linghu Cong with Yue Buqun, it reflects the theory of human nature from the angle of Taoism. 《笑傲江湖》通過對令狐沖和岳不群的比較,表達了對道家的「自然人性論」的推崇和對人性自由、個性解放的讚賞。
- The theory of human nature supposition is an analysis and classification of human predilection of psychological behavior. 人性假設理論是對人的心理行為偏好的分析和歸類。
- His conception of human nature is skewed. 他對人性的看法帶有偏見。
- Xunzi inherit to Confucianism and development embody in day people view mainly, gift optimistic with theory of human nature. 荀子對儒家思想的繼承和發展主要體現在天人觀、禮樂觀和人性論三個方面。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦提出了相對論的新學說。
- In the light of western learning, some Chinese intellectuals put forward a new theory of human nature, underlining "utility" and "righteousness". 一些先進知識分子運用西學知識重新提出人性論主張,強調「正其誼以謀其利,明其道而計其功」。
- One of the frailties of human nature is laziness. 人性的弱點之一是懶惰。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦的相對論。
- Cassirer's Theory of Human Nature offers a new angle of knowing Man himself and exerts an indelible contribution both previously and nowadays. 卡西爾的人性理論為我們研究人自身的本性提供了一個新的視角,無論過去還是現在,都有著不可磨滅的貢獻。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波動理論嗎?
- The natural theory of human nature and individualism are two major theory pillars of his humanistic thought. 自然人性論和個人主義是其人道主義思想的兩大理論支柱。