- He performed the trick in full view of the whole audience. 他在全體觀眾都看得見的情況下變魔術。
- Their performance was so nice that the whole audience was quite carried away. 所有的人被精彩的節目完全吸收住了。
- The law is silent on this point. 在這一點上法律無明文規定。
- In the end, he kidnapped her from the stage, in front of the whole audience. 最後,他在眾目睽睽之下綁架了她。
- Deeply moved by her performance, the whole audience gasped with admiration. 她的演奏動人心弦, 全場觀眾讚歎不己。
- And then he aims it at me and then the whole audience starts booing. 當他用槍對準我時,台下所有觀眾都開始噓他,每個國家的歌迷都是這樣。
- I spoke for forty minutes and carried the whole audience in our favour. 我講了四十分鐘並且為我們贏得了所有聽眾的好感。
- He is the prime mover in the whole matter. 他是整個事件的發起者。
- History is silent on the subject. 歷史沒有敘述這件事。
- When the ageing actress stepped forward to receive her award, the whole audience gave her a big hand. 當那位上了年紀的女演員走上前去領獎時,全體觀眾向她報以長時間的熱烈鼓掌。
- The 'h' in honest is silent, as in 'hour'. honest 中的 h 與 hour 中的 h 一樣都不發音。
- When the ageing actress stepped forward to receive her award,the whole audience gave her a big hand. 當那位上了年紀的女演員走上前去領獎時,全體觀眾向她報以長時間的熱烈鼓掌。
- And all that is me in the place that is silent. 與我的分身同在這片寂靜之地。
- All I was wearing was a little cloth, so the whole audience saw Jesus get hard during the crucifixion. 我身上只穿幾塊布。於是乎,所有觀眾都看到了:耶穌在被釘上十字架的時候可恥地硬了。
- The audience is applauding the performances warmly. 觀眾們給這些演員熱烈的掌聲。
- The audience is drugged.He scotches it. 觀眾都吃了***,於是他便把它炸毀了。
- This maintained a balance of non-solid form, so that the whole audience totally scared, hold your breath, afraid to move iota! 這個保持著平衡的不穩固形態,完全讓全場觀眾膽戰心驚,屏住呼吸,一絲一毫不敢動作!
- The lesson: The audience is probably on your side. 教訓:很可能,觀眾與你是站在一邊的。
- Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. 人是全人類的縮影。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 這次事故我是全部親眼看到的。