- Raised when alert, on level with the top of the skull. 當警戒時,耳朵提高,可到頭骨水平位置。
- The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull. 前囟頭蓋骨頂部矢狀和冠狀縫合處的接合處
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能夠到櫃頂的那本書嗎?
- The girls were born attached at the top of the skull and faced opposite directions. 兩姐妹生下來頭骨就相連,而臉則朝向相反的方向。
- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一塊石板。
- A congenital abnormality of the skull in which the top of the head assumes a conical or pointed shape. 尖頭畸形頭顱的一種先天性畸形,頭的頂部形成錐形或尖形
- The top of the castle tower has been shot off. 城堡塔樓的頂部已被炸掉了。
- Ears cropped, carried erect, upper attachment on a level with the top of the skull. 剪耳,直立,位於頭蓋骨上與頭蓋骨平行。
- The top of the Skull flat between the ears. the forehead is not flat but slightly rounded. 頭骨最高處.;在兩耳之間是平坦的
- He is too timid to get up to the top of the ladder. 他太膽小爬不上梯子的頂端。
- A plane fleeted over the top of the hill. 一架飛機掠過山頂。
- I was winded when I got to the top of the hill. 我爬到山頂時喘不過氣來了。
- The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate. 牆頂的橫條很精緻。
- He looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below. 他從山頂向下眺望下面幽深的山谷。
- Look ahead. What can you see on the top of the hill? 向前看。你看見山頂上有什麼東西?
- There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain. 山頂上缺氧。
- An arched part of the body, especially the top part of the skull. 穹窿身體上的拱形部分,尤指頭顱的頂部
- I saw them through telescopes from the top of the building. 我從大樓的頂端用望遠鏡看到了他們。
- I was completely breathless when I got to the top of the mountain. 當我到達山頂上時,我已經上氣不接下氣了。
- The cottage is in a very exposed position at the top of the hill. 那小屋位於山頂毫無遮蔽之處。