- The naughty children skedaddle when the security guard approach them. 當警衛走進時,那些頑皮的孩子就匆匆跑開了。
- He chided the naughty children away. 他把那些頑皮小孩罵走了。
- How to keep the house clean drove the mother to her wit's end for she had three naughty children at home all day. 有三個淘氣的孩子天天在家,如何使房子保持乾淨使媽媽一籌莫展。
- The teacher came storming into the classroom determined to punish the naughty children. 老師氣沖沖地闖進教室,決意要處罰頑皮的孩子們。
- The naughty children were throwing stones at a car. 這群調皮的小孩子在向一輛汽車扔石頭.
- He glared at the naughty children. 他瞪了那些淘氣的孩子們一眼。
- But the neighbours have naughty children. 但是鄰居有調皮的孩子。
- Do not treat a naughty child rough. 不要粗暴地對待頑皮的孩子。
- The naughty child likes to answer his parents back. 這個頑皮的孩子,總是愛跟大人犟嘴。
- Sometimes only a good advice will straighten out a naughty child. 有時只需一次得當的勸說就會改變一個頑皮的孩子。
- She doesn't know how to manage her naughty children. 她不知道怎樣管好自己的頑皮孩子。
- You can't deal with naughty children this way. 你不能用這種方法來對付調皮的孩子。
- The nurse spanked the naughty child. 保育員打了一下那個淘氣的孩子的屁股。
- The naughty children skedaddled when the security guard approached them. 當警衛走進時,那些頑皮的孩子就匆匆跑開了。
- There must be someone who can take control of these naughty children. 應該有人能管住這些淘氣的孩子。
- Please manage your naughty child! 請管住你頑皮的孩子。
- Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is. 那調皮孩子哪兒去了? 我看,他到哪兒也做不出好事來。
- You naughty children,@ says their stepmother. 「你們兩個頑皮的孩子,」後母說。
- That naughty child needs to be told off. 那個頑童應受斥責。
- "You naughty children," says their stepmother. 「你們兩個頑皮的孩子,」後母說。