- The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一個重要的常數。
- Scientists have determined the speed of light. 科學家們已測定出光的速度。
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 這架飛機的速度非常快。
- The speed of light is an invariant constant. 光速是一個不變常數。
- The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing. 脫韁之馬的速度毫無價值。
- Determine the speed of light, how a mountain is. 測量光速,山有多高。
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可變的。
- The symbol for the speed of light in a vacuum. 表示真空中光速的物理符號
- The speed of light is faster than that of sound. 光速比音速要快。
- Several times the speed of light. 幾倍光速。
- Scientists have determined the speed of light . 科學家們已測定出光的速度。
- When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take? 第一次測量聲速是在什麼時候?
- The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary method. 由於光的速度非常大,我們不能用普通的方法度量。
- Airliners in service at present cannot fly faster than the speed of sound. 目前供使用的客運機飛行速度不能超過音速。
- The speed of light boggles the mind. 光速之快,不可思議。
- The inverse of its slope is the speed of light. 其傾斜的倒數是光速。
- The workers have timed the speed of the machine. 工人們已經調準機器的速度。
- The speed of rockets transcends that of airplanes. 火箭的速度快于飛機的速度。
- The worker is timing the speed of the machine. 這名工人正在調整機器的速度。
- Can you determine the speed of light? 你能判定光速嗎?