- "Clearly, Jiang Kun, also the unconditional once again standing on celebrity Scholars on the side of the public sentiment to whether the whole. 顯然,這次姜昆又又一次無條件站在名人學者一邊,把公眾情緒全給否了。
- Why then should tolerance, as far as the public sentiment is concerned, extend only to tastes and modes of life which extort acquiescence by the multitude of their adherents? 這樣看來,專就公眾情操來說,為什麼寬容還應當僅僅施及那些由其為數眾多的依附者強要他人勉從的生活嗜好和生活方式呢?
- Public sentiment is against any change to the law. 公眾的意見是反對對該法律作任何修改。
- The public sentiment is satisfied 人心大快
- Don't give away to the public when we will start. 不要向公眾泄露我們出發的日期。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在眾目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 這一盡人皆知的醜聞給他的事業留下了污點。
- Children are playing in the public square. 孩子們在公共廣場上遊戲。
- One factor that could tip the jury in the prosecution's favour in a close case is the harsh public sentiment against Wall Street and corporate America. 在控辯雙方勢均力敵的情況下,有一個因素可能會使陪審團偏向起訴方,即公眾對華爾街和美國企業界的強烈反感情緒。
- The area has been fenced from the public. 該地區為防止民眾進出而圍起來。
- The police said that the public should be vigilant. 警方說公眾應保持警惕。
- The public feeds on these periodicals. 公眾由於有這些期刊可以閱讀而得到滿足。
- "Inoculation Theory" Guided by the Public Sentiment in Marxism 淺論馬克思主義輿情引導的"預防接種理論"
- The public are not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event. 新聞界言過其實的種種報道並沒有愚弄得了公眾。
- The public didn't take kindly to that novel. 公眾對這本小說不太喜歡。
- Served the public with dedication and integrity. 以無私奉獻的精神廉正地為民眾服務
- The public was kept in the dark about the deal. 關於這場交易公眾被蒙在鼓裡。
- Mr. Black stands high in the public estimation. 布萊克先生在公眾中聲望很高。
- They were charged with disturbing the public peace. 他們被指控擾亂公共治安。
- They are talking about the press opinion and other indicia of public sentiment. 他們正談論報章社論以及其他代表輿論的東西。