- Wear the inner part on the outside and the outer part on the inside. 把裡面做外面穿。把外面做裡面穿。就是穿反了衣服的意思。
- The pressure in the buffer area should be positive to assure the indoor air could not flow to outside and the outside air could not flow to the inside. 在緩衝間內,可設置正壓,使室內空氣不流向室外,室外空氣不流向室內。
- The vegetables are purple on the outside and orange in the inside. 這種蔬菜表皮紫色,肉呈橘紅色。
- Peking duck is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. 北京烤鴨外焦里嫩。
- Two. The inside and the outside. 兩面,裡面和外面。
- The edges are drawn to appear raised on the outside and sunken on the inside. 繪製邊緣使其在外部呈凸起狀,而在內部呈凹陷狀。
- The edges are drawn to appear sunken on the outside and raised on the inside. 繪製邊緣使其在外部呈凹陷狀,而在內部呈凸起狀。
- However, sometimes when you try to fill it, Photoshop will fill the outside and not the inside. 然而,有時當您嘗試填寫,軟體將填補之外,而不是內部。
- Some will always see me as a 「9)twinkie,」 yellow on the outside and white on the inside, or the 「Asian girl,」 submissive and 10)detached. 一些人總是把我看成一個「香蕉妹」,外表是黃種人,內心卻是白種人,或者認為我是「亞洲女孩」,會順從,不合群。
- It utilizes low embodied energy and low thermal mass timber cladding to the outside and heavier thermal mass of concrete and blockwork to the inside. 它將低能耗和低熱耗的木材包覆在外牆面,而將較大熱耗的混凝土和磚砌體建造在內牆面。
- The grown-ups discouraged me in my painter's career when I was six years old, and I never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside. 自從我六歲時被大人們惡毒打擊了我的繪畫生涯可能性后,除了從外看的大蟒蛇和從里看的大蟒蛇,我就再也沒學過畫別的什麼東西。
- That is, the inside margins are the same width, and the outside margins are the same width. 即內側頁邊距等寬,外側頁邊距等寬。
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 外表皮膚是白,可骨子裡卻瀝青般的黑。
- B: The outside material is pure silk, and the inside material is blended fabric. 外面是真絲的,襯裡是混紡織物。
- It is hard to take up drawing again at my age, when I have never made any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside, since I was six. 象我這樣年紀的人,而且除了六歲時畫過閉著肚皮的和開著肚皮的巨蟒外,別的什麼也沒有嘗試過,現在,重新再來畫畫,真費勁啊!
- The outside casing and the inside compress colour pattern may print equally or embroidering making appointment on the product and propagate content. 外包裝和內部壓縮品上均可印刷或綉制指定的彩色圖案及宣傳內容。
- A curve or pinch in the rope or webbing strains the fibers on the outside and compresses the fibers on the inside, so that the inside and outside fibers are no longer working together. 繩子上的彎曲或是擠壓,會造成外皮的繃緊和內芯的壓縮,因此繩子的內外將不再是平均的分攤受力。
- The outside stakeholder refers to those who only entrust the capital, and the inside stakeholder refers to those who entrust the capital and the power. 摘要只進行資本委託的利益相關者是公司外部利益主體,進行權力委託或雙重委託的相關者屬於內部利益主體。
- The goods are to be packed in tin-lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 一切貨物均須用內襯馬口鐵或錫紙的木箱包裝,且外殼必須清楚地標明其內所裝物品。
- Have someone open the door to the outside and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the outside door. 第六步,找人把所有通向外面的門都打開,然後確信沒有任何人在從馬桶到通向外面的門之間的路途上。