- The media have a lot of power today. 現在大眾傳播媒介有很大的力量。
- China』s role in the brouhaha, if any, is unclear. 如果出現騷亂,中國政府的態度會是怎樣就不明朗了。
- A wise candidate should have the media in hand. 一個明智的候選人應該把傳媒控制在手中。
- Tim appeared unabashed by all the media attention. 蒂姆成了傳播媒介的焦點,卻也滿不在乎。
- Sound travels through the medium of air. 聲音通過空氣這一媒介傳播。
- The latest developments have just been released to the media. 最新的進展情況已向大眾傳播媒介發表。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通過敘利亞人作媒介,希臘文化滲透到波斯。
- The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media. 熱情的示威遊行者被新聞媒介忽視了。
- FERC's role in siting projects is controversial. FERC在項目選址中的角色仍有爭議。
- The actress revels in all the attention she gets from the media. 這位女演員陶醉於傳媒對她的吹捧。
- Section 4, the influence of the white paper and Trudeau" s role. 第四部分:白皮書的影響及特魯多的作用。
- He says the media are ravening wolves. 他說媒體就如同餓狼一般。
- The place of the media in a free society. 媒體在言論自由社會中的地位
- Frequently seen in public or in the media. 常在公共場合露面的常在公共場合或新聞媒介露面的
- The voicelessness is quite out of place with China"s role in the world. 這種「無聲」的狀況與中國在世界發揮的作用極不相符。
- But for the media,it was a golden bonanza. 但是對於媒體來說,這卻成了他們的致富之源。
- Must be hard keeping her natural high pitched voice low for C.C.』s role! 要降她平時很高音的聲音來演C.c.一定很困難吧...
- The artist chose the medium of oil (ie used oil paints) for the portrait. 那畫家選用油彩畫肖像。
- Why are the media persecuting him like this? 新聞媒體為什麼總這樣揪住他不放?
- He didn't like the media probing into his past. 他不願意媒體追問他的過去。