- He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances. 他繼承了那片莊園及其一切特權。
- The serfs cowered before the lord of the manor. 佃農在地主前戰戰兢兢的。
- I am not lord of the manor, but its lady. 我並非此地的領主,而是這兒的女主人。
- Darrell did not destroy Debbie』s dishes. 德雷爾沒有打碎德比的盤子。
- How do they call you in the manor? 在莊園別人怎麼稱呼你?
- One of the schools in the district was situated on the manor. 這個區里的一所學校位於這塊永久租地。
- The manor was a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden. 莊園主宅第是一棟環抱在美麗的花園中的大理石房子。
- Debbie did not destroy Darrell』s dishes.Darrell destroyed Debbie』s dishes. 德比沒有砸爛達雷爾的盤子,達雷爾砸爛了德比的盤子。
- But they are not lords of the manor there now. 可他們現在並不是那塊莊園的主人了。
- The serfs cowered before the lordof the manor. 佃農在地主前戰戰兢兢的。
- The peasant rebels burned down the manor houses. 起義農民焚燒了地主莊園。
- The thieves broke into the manor house and stole ten old masters. 小偷闖進了莊園主住宅,偷走了10幅名畫。
- Southerners in the U.S. prefer collard greens.In Denmark, a popular New Year』s dish is sweetened kale cooked with cinnamon. 它並沒有被淹沒,在義大利人們在吹著中風的午夜吃香腸夾雜著扁豆的食物。
- The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden. 莊園主宅第是一棟環抱在美麗的花園中的大理石房子。
- In Henry II's reign a common law was gradually established in place of the customs of the manor. 亨利二世統治時期逐步建立起來了一部普通法,代替了原來莊園的一些慣例。
- Thirdly, they also established the manorial system. 此外,他們還建立了領地制。
- My husband, he of the declasse jokes and Bud Light, looks as if he』s to the manor born. 我丈夫,製造了一系列爛笑話,佯裝得好像天生就繼承了一大片農莊似的。
- Even before the trial the manor house of the baron was torched. 還沒有開庭審判,那個地主莊園就被燒毀了。
- Although classically trained, Brian』s dishes are innovative, thoughtful and modern, combining fresh ingredients, flavors and contemporary techniques with the best of traditional cooking methods. 馬克南華麗的烹飪技法加上最全面的酒單以及高雅的環境和優越的服務,在藍韻西餐廳的經歷真的是萬里挑一的美好。
- By fits she was elated at the notion of being lady of the manor. 有時候,她一想到自己是個女領主就得意洋洋。