- Trade reprisal is the last method of developing country which is authorized by DSU, but it must be the loss outweighs the gain. 貿易報復是DSU賦予發展中國家成員的最後手段,但實施貿易報復時發展中國家成員一定是得不償失的。
- Trade reprisal is the last method of developing country which is authorized by DSU,but it must be the loss outweighs the gain. 貿易報復是DSU賦予發展中國家成員的最後手段,但實施貿易報復對發展中國家成員一定是得不償失的。
- If we try to reduce deposit and expend immediate consumption, perhaps the loss will outweigh the gain. 當前,如果一味強調降低儲蓄,擴大即期消費,則後果可能得不償失。
- I said that no action should be taken,because that would make people think we had changed our policies,and the loss would outweigh the gain. 我說不能動,一動人們就會說政策變了,得不償失。
- I said that no action should be taken, because that would make people think we had changed our policies, and the loss would outweigh the gain. 我說不能動,一動人們就會說政策變了,得不償失。
- The factory is in difficulty since its loss outweighs the profit. 該廠虧損超過利潤,處境困境。
- The gain is outweighed by the loss. 得不償失。
- The gain is greater than the loss. 收益大於損失。
- The loss outweights the gain bad cough up! 得不償失就不好咯!
- Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. 讓我們衡量一下得失輸贏,來下賭注於神的存在與否;
- The gains overbalance the losses. 得多於失。
- The gains are balanced by the losses. 收益被虧損抵銷。
- Here the losses are justified by the gains. 這又是一種有所失對有所得而有意義的場合。
- Some inside the IMF think that devaluation is inevitable.But other economists reckon the damage to credibility would outweigh the gain to competitiveness. IMF內部人員認為貨幣貶值不可避免,但是其他的經濟學家則預測,拉脫維亞贏了競爭力,卻失了信譽,終是得不償失。
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母親逝世,我特向你慰問。
- All these inconveniences will far outweigh the gains,if there are any,we can get from this deal. 所有這些麻煩將遠遠超過這筆交易可能給我們帶來的好處。
- The loss of all his money embitter the old man. 失去全部的錢,使這位老人甚為痛苦。
- Hence, the loss of gravitational potential energy of the block equals the gain of elastic potential energy of the spring. 因此,該物塊的重力勢能的減少,等於該彈簧的彈性勢能的增加。
- All these inconveniences will far outweigh the gains, if there are any, we can get from this deal. 伯恩:所以這些麻煩將遠遠超過這筆交易可能給我們帶來的好處。
- For, in our opinion, a battle has little significance when there are no prisoners or war booty, or when they do not outweigh the losses. 因為沒有繳獲或繳獲不超過消耗,在我們看來是很少意義的。