the last

  • 最後, 最近

the last的用法和樣例:


  1. I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months.
  2. I walked the last six miles in water up to my thighs.
  3. This land has been in cultivation since the last century.
  4. Class distinctions have become less important during the last 50 years.
  5. The score was20-10 in the last inning, and our team had the game on ice.
    上局積分是20比10, 我們隊大有獲勝的希望。
  6. I have not forgotten the experiences of the Hungry Forties of the last century.
  7. Mr Hobbs has had several severe illnesses in the last few years, each of which could easily have finished him off. But he's like a cat with nine lives and will probably live to see ninety.
  8. British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences.
    布爾沃·利頓,愛德華·喬治·厄爾·利頓1803-1873英國作家,以其頗受歡迎的歷史小說而聞名,尤其是龐貝城的最後一日(1834年), 以及他那看起來永無止境的錯綜複雜的句子
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