- He piloted us through the large factory. 他領我們參觀了這個大工廠。
- The large box in his room can serve as a desk too. 他房間里的那隻大箱子也可以當桌子用。
- The closure of the large factory made many workers live in idleness. 那家大工廠倒閉,使許多工人失業。
- The large room was partitioned into five offices. 那個大房間被分隔成五個辦公室。
- He was the sole heir of the large estate. 他是這一大筆遺產的唯一繼承人。
- The large ship could not navigate the river. 那艘大輪船不能在河裡航行。
- The large window makes the room quite airy. 大窗子使房間通風良好。
- The large window makes the room seem airy. 那扇大窗戶使這間房間顯得很通風。
- She appeared composed and self-possessed before the large audience. 在大批觀眾面前,她顯得很沉著安詳。
- He had to work hard to feed and clothe the large family. 他必須努力工作才能使全家有飯吃,有衣穿。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 紐約是世界上最大的幾座城市之一。
- Include some of the largest vessels afloat. 包括在海上航行著的一些最大的船隻。
- He coaxed the large chair through the narrow door. 他巧妙地把一張椅子從狹窄的門搬進去。
- The cat bristled at the sight of the large dog. 一見到那隻大狗,貓身上的毛都豎起來了
- The Government has broken up the large private estates. 政府把大片的私人地產分割開。
- The two girls always play together under the large hawthorn. 那兩個女孩經常一起在那棵大山楂樹下玩耍。
- We've made trial of this method in the large. 我們對此方法已進行過大規模的試驗。
- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美國當時擁有最大的商船隊。
- She kept the largest apple for herself. 她把最大的蘋果留給自己。
- The whale is the largest mammal in creation. 鯨是世上最大的哺乳類動物。