- The physiology function of the five internal organs is normal, yesMenstruationOn time one of postulate of harbour excessive. 五臟之生理功能正常,是月經按時蓄溢的基本條件之一。
- The three warmers are cracks between the five internal organs and (idler dye infernal organs (ten internal organs), like the space between ten major celestial bodies of solar system. 三焦為五臟五腑(十臟腑)之間隙,猶如太陽系十大星球之間的空問。
- Opposite large family, open the space of kitchen of single boarding house of type, although,integral ambry gives a person a kind of spadger the feeling of completely of small the five internal organs. 相對大戶型而言,開放式的單身公寓廚房空間,整體櫥櫃給人一種麻雀雖小五臟俱全的感覺。
- Bee Honey: it functions to nourish spleen and kidney, moisten the lung and intestines, tranquilize the five internal organs, mediate drugs, detoxify, subdue inflammation and relieve pain etc. 蜂蜜:有補脾腎、潤肺腸、安五臟、和百葯、解毒、消炎、止痛、等功效。
- Hanoi, the United States and the rich colorwei jia Chonglu fish (carp), fish Chonglu five internal organs and beard, the fish can be surprising. 河內盛產味佳色美的閭魚(鯉魚),閭魚有五臟和鬍鬚,可謂奇魚。
- Although Ma Lida was paralyzed on the ground, when he heard this cloying saccharine melody of seduction, his entire body was soothed.His five internal organs were all dissolved. 馬立大雖然癱在地上,一聽到這個纏綿悱惻的勾魂曲,早已全身酥癢,五臟俱溶。
- You rely on in the Chinese style pavilion, as soon as looks that sea day boundlessly, the spatial bright clear blue scenery, really may wash cleanly yours five internal organs six lungs. 你倚在閣上,一望那海天茫茫,空明澄碧的景色,真可以把你的五臟六肺洗得乾乾淨淨。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布魯克林區是紐約市的五個行政區之一。
- Correlationship of five internal organs 五臟相關
- The five experiments gave quite disparate results. 這五次試驗所獲得的結果迥然不同。
- Here is your bill. We've added on the five per cent service charge. 這是你的帳單。我們已把百分之五的手續費加進去了。
- Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers. 在接受調查的五百家住戶中,40%25 有洗碗機。
- Of the five starters in the race only three finished. 起跑時有五個,只有三個跑完全程。
- The five o'clock train is always packed with commuters. 五點鐘那趟車總是擠滿了通勤者。
- The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera. 內臟內部臟器,尤指大小腸; 內臟
- Diana won five championships in women's high jump successively in the five years. 黛安娜在五年內連續獲得五次女子跳高冠軍稱號。
- An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs. 內臟尤指心臟、肝臟和肺等動物的內臟或內部器官
- That is a piece of cake. The five rings. 太容易了,五環呀。
- His internal organs were injured. 他內部器官受了傷。
- He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the Five Classics. 他搜集以前的作品,編成了所謂的五經。