- The first six were singularly constructed. 頭六輛的結構相當奇特。
- We almost view the first six as a miniseries. 我們幾乎看第一個六如一個迷你影集。
- The first six books of the Old Testament. 首六卷《舊約全書》的頭六卷
- It generally occurs in the first six weeks of lactation. 通常在產後六周出現。
- Bremerton was awarded with 161 medals in the first six years. 朗豪灣距於澳洲亞德雷德東南面70公里,能種植出澳洲最優秀的葡萄。
- For the first six months, I couldn't communicate with the teachers or students. 在首六個月,我不能與老師或同學。
- Nice thing about Ender, he's determined to ice within the first six months. 有關於安德的好消息,安德在前六個月內就會被冰掉。」
- In the first SIX, divided, (we see its subject) treading on hoarfrost. 初六,腳踏上了霜,氣候變冷,冰雪即將到來。
- The first six chapters develop the foundations of object-oriented programming with ANSI-C. 前六章向大家展現ANSI-C面向對象編程的基本內容。
- All things consider,I think we can guarantee a monthly turnover of $30000 for the first six month. 如果把所有因素都考慮在內,我想我們在頭六個月可保證每月銷售3萬美元的貨。
- The sale department has give a summary of sale in europe for the first six month. 銷售部門對上半年歐洲的銷售情況進行了總結。
- To be on the safe side, what about 80 tons for the first six months as a minimum yearly sale? 為了保險起見,前六個月訂貨80噸作為最低的年銷售量怎麼樣。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"這一字里,重音在第一個音節上。,在"mother"這一字里,重音在第一個音節上。
- Applicants are required to pay interest monthly in arrears in the first six months. 在首六個月,申請人只須於月底繳付利息。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一聲警報一響我們就迅速卧倒。
- Which percentage of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortions or miscarriages in the first six months? 終止妊娠的自發流產或早產的百分比為?
- She struck up the first carol on the grand piano. 她在那架大鋼琴上演奏起第一支頌歌。
- He picked a winning number on the first draw. 他第一次便抽到一個中獎號碼。
- The first six letters of "Paraguay" are spread over the Chaco area, implying a territorial claim to the area. 首六個字母的"巴拉圭"遍布查科地區;這意味著領土主張的地區.
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我們的記者是最先到達出事地點的。