the cloth的用法和樣例:
- The old gentleman had on a classic suit.
那位老年紳士穿著一套古樸的傳統服裝。 - She knows the place to go for quality knockoffs.
- lay the cloth 預備開席(擺好餐具)...
- have a cloth in the wind 帆篷因過於頂風而顫動...
- remove the cloth 食後撤席
- draw the cloth 收拾餐桌
- manufacture out of the whole cloth 憑空捏造
- wear the cloth 穿上教士的衣服,當教...
- knight of the green cloth 文職爵士
- cut out of the whole cloth 憑空捏造
- cut out of the same cloth 一路貨色,氣味相投...
- make out of the whole cloth 憑空捏造