- The child had a round face. 那孩子臉蛋圓潤。
- The child's face puckered up and he began to cry. 那孩子臉一皺哭了起來。
- The camera zoomed in on the child's face. 攝像機鏡頭移向那小孩的面部。
- A blush mounted to the child's face. 這個小孩的臉紅了起來。
- The child's face puckered (up) and he began to cry. 那孩子臉一皺哭了起來。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不該欺侮那個孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又煩躁不安。
- The child's face creased up and soon he started crying. 這個孩子的臉變了,接著就哭了起來。
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 產科醫生替這個孩子接生。
- The children grouped round their teacher. 孩子圍在他們老師的四周。
- The children formed a circle round her. 孩子們在她周圍圍成了一個圈。
- A change came over Cronshaw's placid round face. 克朗肖的平靜的圓臉一下子變了色。
- If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手這事了。
- The child seized a fistful of nuts. 那孩子抓了一把栗子。
- The child spends hours poring over her books. 那孩子用了幾個小時仔細閱讀她的那些書。
- The mother bade the child behave himself. 媽媽叮嚀孩子要守規矩。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出來。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子們在公園裡盪鞦韆。
- The child is at an impressionable age. 這孩子正處於易受影響的年齡。
- The child was trailing a toy car on a string. 小孩用繩子拖著一輛玩具車。