- The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings. 出納員攜帶該日營業收入逃走了。
- The cashier recounted the money made that day. 收款人將那天賺的錢再數了一遍。
- The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver. 強盜用左輪手槍威脅出納員。
- Henry's monthly salary is paid into the bank by the cashier. 亨利每月的工資由出納員存入銀行。
- The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank. 必須當著銀行出納員的面簽這些支票。
- The cashier absconded with the money. 出納員攜款潛逃。
- The cashier is at the end of this corridor. 收銀台就在這個走廊盡頭。
- The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft. 那個出納員竄改帳目,企圖隱瞞他盜用錢款的行徑。
- Please pay the bill at the cashier's desk. 請到櫃檯付賬。
- The cashier shut the till and locked it. 出納員把錢櫃關好並鎖上了。
- Here is your bill. Please pay the cashier. 這是帳單,請到收銀台付款。
- The cashier is adding up her receipts. 出納員正把所收的款項加總起來。
- The cashier paid the money out efficiently. 出納員極為利索地付錢。
- The cashier checked out and bagged my order. 收款員計價收款並給我包裝了商品
- The cashier made off with the firm's money . 那個出納攜公司的款子逃走了。
- It's opposite to the cashier's desk. 鏡子在收款台的對面。
- Please say at the cashier's desk. It's over there. 請到收款台交錢,就在那兒里。
- The cashier has done a bunk with the day『s takings. 出納員偷走了當天的進款.
- A: Yes we did. Do I pay you or the cashier? 甲:是的,我們滿意,賬付給您還是給收款員?
- Neither the cashier nor the clerks were present. 出納員和辦事員都不在。