- He is by long odds the strongest of the candidates. 在候選人中,他無疑是最強的。
- The candidates exchanged shafts in the debate. 候選人在辯論中唇槍舌箭。
- His name heads the list for the candidates. 他是候選人名單上的第一名。
- The candidates didn't all get through. 報考者沒有全部通過。
- The instructor passed all the candidates. 老師使所有攻讀學位的人都通過
- After seeing all the candidates we've decided on (ie chosen) this one. 我們見了所有的候選人,決定選這位。
- Both the candidates solicited my vote. 兩位候選人都向我拉票。
- The candidates canvassed right up to election day. 候選人們直到選舉日之前一直在遊說拉票。
- The examiners passed most of the candidates. 主考人讓大部分參加考試的人及格。
- Over the long haul the candidates performed well. 在很長的一段時間裡,候選人表現得不錯
- The candidates had to state their position on unilateral disarmament. 候選人須 表明他們對單方面裁軍所持的立場。
- The candidate has walked away with the election. 那候選人已經輕易地在選舉中獲勝。
- The examiners plowed half the candidates. 主考人員刷掉了一半的應試者。
- The candidate was unopposed in the campaign. 該候選人在競選中未遇對手
- The candidate lost the election by a nose. 那候選人以微弱之差競選失敗。
- They examined the candidates in four subjects. 他們向考生提出四種科目。
- The examiners failed over half the candidates. 主考人員評定,半數以上報考者不及格。
- The candidate made surprising inroads in the South. 那位候選人在南方出人意料地大為得手。
- Two of the candidates must be female. 候選人中必須有兩名是女性。
- The candidates jostled each other to win the election. 候選人相互競爭,都想在選舉中取勝。