- We had much rain at the beginning of last month. 上個月初下了很多雨。
- I found a job at the beginning of last month. 上月初我找到一份工作。
- They planned to have started at the beginning of last month. 他們原計劃在上月初開始工作。
- She's been working there since the beginning of last summer. 她自從上個夏初起就一直在那裡工作。
- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 趕快,要不然我們會趕不上演出的。
- Going into this year do you hark back to the beginning of last season? 聽你這麼說你非常希望今年的球隊能象上賽季初那樣了?
- He arrived at the beginning of the month. 他到月初到達。
- I missed the beginning of the film. 電影的開頭部分我沒有看到。
- Unemployment in the petroleum indusry has rocketed since the beginning of last year. 石油工業中的失業現象自去年年初迅速加劇。
- I can start at the beginning of next month. 我下月初可以開始上班。
- The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 計算機的發明標誌著一個新時代的開始。
- At the beginning of last summer, Chuck decided that it was time to get a new grill. 去年初夏,恰克決定該是買一台新烤肉爐的時候了。
- My roommate stiffed me out of last month's rent. 我的室友騙走了我上個月的房租。
- SMIC is the introduction of strategic investors has been the beginning of last year, which has twists and turns. 中芯國際引入戰略投資者一事去年初傳出消息,其間可謂一波三折。
- At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke. 在演講開頭主席開了一個玩笑。
- We had an English exam at the end of last month. 上月末我們進行了一場英語考試。
- For the grand award winner of last month. 上個月的月大獎得主了。
- Today should be saluted as the beginning of a new era. 應把今天看作是一個新時代的開始來慶祝。
- Since the beginning of last year, it has risen 11 per cent against the dollar, the highest appreciation of all the main Asian currencies bar the yen. 韓元兌美元自去年初開始,上升了11%25,是除日元之外的所有主要亞洲貨幣中升值最高的。
- I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year. 我預祝大家歲首大吉。