- In her impression, a lot of citizen afforest balconies still stay in " much " word, plant the balcony so that eyeful the awaken of spring goes. 在她印象中,許多市民綠化陽台還停留在一個「多」字,把陽台種得滿眼春意就行。
- Once go out of the JiaYuGuan,what you may see is boundless rocks,everywhere's clusters of camel-grass,and with a little the awaken of spring. 一出嘉峪關,你望吧,滿眼是無邊無際的砂石,遍地只有一叢一叢的駱駝草,略略透出點春意。
- Umbriferous the colour at this one season makeup, canthus of tip of the brow is same the awaken of spring tender, brilliant profusion. 春日的紫不再是煙熏迷離,而是這樣淡若輕煙的,在雙眸褶皺處和眼尾輕輕掃過,襯托的是從眼角向上暈開的綠色。
- Pink is green: Belonging to elegant look is, it is a kind of your person feels sedate, comfortable the colour with grace, let a person feel the awaken of spring is abundant. 粉綠:屬優雅色系,是一種令人感到穩重、舒適和優雅的色彩,讓人感到春意盎然。
- But on Feburary 28 in the evening, in the hall of restaurant of sweet case lira that is located in Xi Zihu bank, it is happy and harmonious of a the awaken of spring, beaming picture however. 但2月28日晚上,位於西子湖畔的香格里拉飯店大禮堂里,卻是一片春意融融、喜氣洋洋的景象。"
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我們期待著春天的到來。
- The fields gave forth an odour of spring. 田野散發出春天的氣息。
- Swallows are the forerunners of spring. 燕子是春天來臨的前兆; 燕子是報春的鳥。
- The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring. 布谷鳥預告春天的來臨。
- Warm rains are the forerunners of spring. 暖雨是春天來臨的前兆。
- In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring. 在英國杜鵑鳥是報春的使者。
- Every spring,people honored Eostre to celebrate the death of winter and the awakening of new life in nature. 每年春天,人們向她致敬,慶祝冬天的離去和大自然的復甦。
- There is an aroma suggestive of spring flowers in the room. 這房間里有一種香氣,使人想起春天的花朵。
- Every spring people honored Eostre to celebrate the death of winter and the awakening of new life in nature. 每年春天,人們向她致敬,慶祝冬天的離去和大自然的復甦。
- The trees began to turn green, and it took on the look of spring. 樹開始變綠了,顯出一片春天的景象。
- The Awaken Of Style Consciousness In New-Period 新時期長篇小說文體意識的自覺
- And the common result of both was the awakening of the people of the whole country. 而作為這兩種「圍剿」之共同結果的東西,則是全國人民的覺悟。
- Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring! 敞開嗓門吧,春天甜美的使者!
- Warm breezes index the approach of spring. 溫暖的和風表明春天的到來。
- The year from 1870 to 1890 were a time of the awakening of the social consciousness of Protestantism. 從1870年到1890年的那些年月,是一個新教社會意識覺醒的時代。