But in China, the song and yuan dynasties, YuanTiHua and WenRenHua contributed to the new starting point. 而在中國的宋元時期,院體畫與文人畫的勃興使中國畫邁向新的起點。
He is a avid reader of classical poetry, a collector of Han and Tang pottery and porcelain of the Song Dynasty, a lover of all that is weird and fantastical in folklore. 他喜歡讀古典文學中的詩詞,誌異小說,喜歡收藏那些漢唐的陶器,宋元的瓷器,喜歡道場廟畫,而在所有的民間傳說中他又最喜歡那些精靈古怪的故事。