- The Red Army covered25000 li on the Long March. 紅軍長征時走了二萬五千里。
- The Red Army covered 25000 li on the Long March. 紅軍長征時走了二萬五千里。
- The Red Army covered 25,000 li on their Long March. 紅軍在長征中行軍二萬五千里。
- The Red Army Men covered 25,000 li in the Long March. 紅軍戰士在長征中走過了兩萬五千里。
- This hardship is nothing compared to those the Red Army faced on the Long March. 和紅軍長征時受的苦比起來,這點苦算不了什麼。
- October 22 marks the 70th anniversary of the day the Red Army of China successfully finished the Long March. 10月22日標誌著中國紅軍長征勝利已經走過了70個年頭了。
- On the Long March, the Red Army climbed snow-topped mountains and plodded through grasslands. 長征途中,紅軍爬雪山,過草地。
- Without the Long March,how could the broad masses have learned so quickly about the existence of the great truth which the Red Army embodies? 不因此一舉,那麼廣大的民眾怎會如此迅速地知道世界上還有紅軍這樣一篇大道理呢?
- "Who are we if we cannot reach the Great Wall?" wrote Chairman Mao in 1935 as he spurred on the Red Army during the Long March. 「不到長城非好漢」,毛主席於1935年在長征路上為激勵紅軍寫下了這句詩。
- Without the Long March, how could the broad masses have learned so quickly about the existence of the great truth which the Red Army embodies? 不因此一舉,那麼廣大的民眾怎會如此迅速地知道世界上還有紅軍這樣一篇大道理呢?
- The CPC achieved an unprecedented altitude to the national work important understanding in the Red Army Long March time. 紅軍長征時期,黨對民族工作重要性的認識達到了一個前所未有的高度。
- After the Long March of the Red Army main force, Zeng Shan struggled hardly for securing the main force of Red Army and protecting Central Soviet area. 紅軍主力長征后,他為掩護主力紅軍長征,保衛中央蘇區,進行了艱苦卓絕的鬥爭。
- In the early stage of the Long March,mistakes were made owing to the absence of his command. The Red Army's First Front Army dwindled from 80,000 to 30,000. 長征的前一段,因為沒有毛澤東同志的指揮,所以就犯錯誤,使紅一方面軍由八萬人減少到三萬人。
- Went 70 years, the Red Army writes down for us in long march a catchphrase, first one a caricature, song, one goes out Thespian, still shine up to now fire bright ray. 70年過去了,紅軍在長征中為我們寫下一條條標語、一幅幅漫畫、一首首歌曲、一出齣戲劇,至今還閃射出燦爛的光輝。
- In Guilin, the delegation drove more than one hour, the Red Army's Long March to Xing'an county breakthrough xiangjiang martyrs memorial park presented wreaths. 在桂林,代表團驅車一個多小時,前往興安縣紅軍長征突破湘江烈士紀念碑園敬獻花籃。
- That is why we say that the Red Army's strategic retreat (the Long March) was a continuation of its strategic defensive and the enemy's strategic pursuit was a continuation of his strategic offensive. 所以我們說,紅軍的戰略退卻(長征)是紅軍的戰略防禦的繼續,敵人的戰略追擊是敵人的戰略進攻的繼續。
- In the long March, our Red Army soldiers succeeded in wading through the marshland. 長征中,我們的紅軍戰士成功地涉過了沼澤地。
- Only when the Red Army had reached northern Shensi after the Long March was it possible for the Central Committee of the Party to deal systematically with the various problems of tactics in the political sphere. 紅軍長徵到達陝北之後,中共中央才獲得可能去有系統地說明政治策略上的諸問題。
- During the Long March,the Red Army scattered the seeds of revolution in all the areas it passed through,including Yunnan and Guizhou. Even in Xikang some revolutionary influence was felt. 長征時,紅軍經過的地方,如雲南、貴州,散布了一些革命的種子,就是在西康,也有一些革命影響。