- the Kangs' family school 康氏家塾
- He sat down on the edge of the kang. 他在炕邊坐下。
- The kang takes up two-thirds of the space. 炕就佔了三分之二的地方。
- Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edgeof the kang. 劉姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了。
- Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edge of the kang. 劉姥姥方扭扭捏捏在炕沿上坐了
- The old woman sat on the kang with her legs curled up. 老大娘拳著腿坐在炕上。
- I had to rope in your aunt and put her to no end of trouble to beg Madam Xifeng ill the West Mansion to get you this place in the family school. "好容易我望你姑媽說了;你姑媽千方百計的才向他們西府里的璉二奶奶跟前說了;你才得了這個念書的地方.;"
- Qin answered " Ancient grave fete is at 4 o'clock, but there is no certain money and grains.Secondly, there is no certain supply for the family school. 秦氏道:「目今祖塋雖四時祭祀,只是無一定的錢糧,第二,家塾雖立,無一定的供給。
- Starting up from the kang,he shouted after her: Where are you off to? 他從炕上驀地驚起,沖她嚷道:「你到哪兒去?」
- The promotion of psychological health of the children left in the rural areas demands assortment of all possible measures from family,school,community and government. 促進留守兒童心理的健康發展需要家庭、學校、社會和政府多方面措施的共同配合。
- Granny Liu at once lifted her grandson off the kang and led him into the hall. "劉姥姥會意,於是帶了板兒下炕,至堂屋中,"
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭環境里才不拘束。
- He "the Kang bridge complex" has composed his thatextraordinary life. 他的「康橋情結」更是譜寫了他那不平凡的一生。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 學校外面那條車水馬龍的大道是個危險之地。
- He was expelled from the school. 他被學校開除了。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比爾家裡,真正當家的是她的老婆。
- They saw their mother sitting facing upward on the Kang, unhurriedly shucking peanuts as though nothing had happened. 她們看到,母親仰坐在土炕上,悠閑地剝著花生,好像什麼事情也沒有發生。
- A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在這所學校里蔓延了幾個星期。
- Cities have banned the burning of the coal bricks that warmed the kangs and contributed to eye-searing smog. 這些城市已禁止市民燒大煙煤,這些煙煤是以往用來為炕供曖,也是產生迷眼煙塵的禍首。
- So the most scientific and economic method was fire path gyring inside the Kangs, like several circles. 最科學最經濟的方法是火道滿炕轉,成「回」字形。