- The white dragon is punished by the Jade Emperor. 受玉帝治罪的白龍
- Ying Drum in the Jade Emperor Temple. 在玉皇殿內。
- The Jade Emperor made men, fashioning them from clay. 玉帝製造了人,從泥土中塑造他們。
- The god of the sea discovered these events and reported to the Jade Emperor. 海神發覺這些事件而向玉帝報告。
- The Jade Emperor in Heaven lived comfortably , but he felt very longly . 傳說天宮裡的玉皇大帝生活很舒適,但是非常寂寞。
- The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him but failed to inflict a single.wound on him by sabers, axes, fire and thunder. 玉皇想處死孫猴,但任憑刀砍斧劈,火燒雷擊,都傷不到孫猴的一根毫毛。
- When the Jade Emperor saw the flame , he thought it was the fire set by the Magic Goose , so he became very happy . 玉皇大帝看到人間四處是火光,以為神鵝放火了,心裡十分高興。
- The Jade Emperor was enraged, and ordered the heavenly generals and their troops to arrest the four dragons. 玉帝勃然大怒,而命令了天兵天將拘捕四龍。
- The Jade Emperor wanted to execute him but failed to inflict a single wound on him by sabers, axes, fire and thunder. 玉皇想處死孫猴,但任憑刀砍斧劈,火燒雷擊,都傷不到孫猴的一根毫毛。
- Treasure Palace, Queen livid at bamboos Zhao Lian, the Jade Emperor rage, I immediately know what exactly occurred. 此時逍遙寶殿上王母娘娘鐵青著臉,玉皇大帝暴跳如雷,要我馬上了解到底發生了什麼樣事。
- Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig. 玉帝正準備收工,他聽到了一頭小豬長而尖銳的呼嚕聲。
- The tomorrow, the two got lightning marriage. And, the Jade Emperor sent Cowherd an ox as dowry. 隔天,牛郎與織女閃電結婚。玉帝還送了牛當嫁妝。
- After the Jade Emperor in heaven know by sending a long-whiskered catfish sperm secretly checked into the lake. 天上玉皇大帝知道后,派了一條長須鯰魚精偷偷住進湖裡。
- It was ruled by the Jade Emperor (Yudi), his ministers, and his various consorts. 它由玉皇、其各部大臣和不同的臣工組成。
- The Great Sage caused havoc in Heaven and the Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly soldiers and generals to punish him. But no one could manage to subdue him. 孫猴大鬧天宮,玉皇大帝降旨嚴懲,無奈天兵天將都對付不了他。
- Along the steep cliffs are built Taoist temples for the Jade Emperor, the Jade Empress, Immortal Huang, Revered Hu, and Eight Immortals. 沿著陡壁建有三清殿、玉帝、王母、黃大仙、胡公、八仙、四海龍王、天師等道家祠觀。
- Sage caused havoc in Heaven and the Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly soldiers and generals to punish him. But no one could manage to subdue him. 孫猴大鬧天宮,玉皇大帝降旨嚴懲,無奈天兵天將都對付不了他。
- One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey Sun, the great.Sage Equalling Heaven, to Heaven, and asked him to administer the Peach Orchard. 玉皇大帝邀造反的孫猴子上天,給了他一個「齊天大聖」的官銜,指派看管桃園。
- One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey sun. the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, to Heaven, and asked him to administer the Peach Orchard. 玉皇大帝邀造反的孫猴子上天,給了他一個「齊天大聖」的官銜,指派看管桃園。
- Buddha hurries to the scene and says to the Monkey, What temerity for an idiot of a monkey to try to seize the throne from the Jade Emperor! 如來降臨南天門,問悟空:「你有什麼本領,要來奪取玉皇大帝的寶座?」