- The tenacious resistance of ZHAO Chou brothers against HUANG Chao's army and QING Zong-quan's power result in the safety of Chen County, failure of HUANG Chao uprising as well as decline of QING Zong-quan's force. 趙犨兄弟據守陳州頑抗黃巢義軍、抗擊秦宗權勢力之舉,既保全了陳州,又是導致黃巢最後失敗、秦宗權最終覆滅的重要因素。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黃巢的帶領下他們推翻了統治了三百年的王朝。
- End of the Huang Long virtual tour. 黃之旅到此結束
- On the Historic Functions of HUANG Chao's Uprising 論黃巢起義的歷史作用
- Led by Huang Chao,they brought down the reigning house after300 years'rule. 在黃巢的帶領下他們推翻了統治了三百年的王朝。
- From then on, people would hang mugwort plants on doors to honor Huang Chao at the 5 day of 5 lunar month. 從那時起,每逢五月五日,人們便在門口懸挂艾葉,表達對黃巢的感激。
- From then on, people would hang mugwort plants on doors to honor Huang Chao at the 5th day of 5th lunar month. 從那時起,每逢五月五日,人們便在門口懸挂艾葉,表達對黃巢的感激。
- They saw many cliffs on the Huang Mountains . 他們在黃山看見了許多懸崖峭壁。
- Huang Chao was moved and said, 「Tell the residents in your city hang two mugwort on their doors then soldiers would not kill you. 黃巢非常感動,她說:「告訴你們城裡的百姓,在門口懸挂艾草,戰士就不會殺你們。」
- To this one problem, huang Chao's view and Cao Jun wave close, namely after webpage game develops maturity, likelihood or a fractionize market in network game. 對於這一問題,黃超的看法與曹軍波相近,即網頁遊戲發展成熟后,可能還是一個網路遊戲中的細分市場。
- The Huang Pu Frontier Health ane Quarantine Service of P.R.C. 送達地點中華人民共和國黃埔衛生檢疫所。
- The main products are: Gold Law, the Huang Pao, and so on. 主要產品有:黃金椒、大黃袍等。
- The Nanchang Uprising marked a new stage for the revolution. 南昌起義標誌著革命進人了新階段。
- On Huang Chao's Concept of"Sharing Equally" 試論黃巢的"均平"思想
- The king put down the uprising and killed all the slaves involved. 國王鎮壓了那次起義,殺死了所有參加起義的奴隸。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 風吹得枯葉在四處迴旋。
- The Huang Taiji Period was the important stage that the Qing Dynasty political power turned from armed administration to literary administration. 摘要皇太極時期是清朝政權由武治向文治轉變的重要階段。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一陣風穿過樹林沙沙作響。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英語字母表中有26個字母。
- Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River. 從南外灘優越的地理位置能盡賞到浦江兩岸的旖旎風光。