- He is well versed in the Analects of Confucius. 他熟諳《論語》。
- You because me, and I as the Analects of Confucius! 你因為我,而我因為論語!
- Reading of the Analects of Confucius, let me immersed in the sea of knowledge. 讀論語,讓我沉浸在知識的海洋里。
- The Analects of Confucius: Collated and Annotated is compiled specially for middle school students. 這本《論語校釋》是針對中學生編寫的。
- Confucius stated in The Analects of Confucius, In the application of the rites, harmony is to be prized. 孔子的《論語》提出「禮之用,和為貴」;
- Today i want to publish the
on my blog,as to extend the tradional culture . 今天我想把《論語》放在我的博上,供大家欣賞。以傳播傳統的文化。 - I bought "Commentary and Subcommentary on The Analects of Confucius" today at a bookstore. 我今天在書店買了一本《論語註疏》。
- The extremely mild flavor of Confucius' own sayings in the Analects and his mature wisdom cannot be appreciated until one becomes mature himself. 孔子在《論語》中的訓言的沖淡溫和的味道,以及他的成熟的智慧,非到讀者自己成熟的時候是不能欣賞的。
- The Analects of Confucius, which came from your wisdom and practice of teaching, laid down for you the throne of educator and thinker. 一部《論語》,奠定了教育家和思想家的寶座,來自教育實踐的智慧。
- As the important Confucian classic recording the teaching of Confucius, The Analects is one of the most influential books in the world history. 《論語》是記載孔子思想的重要儒家經典,是世界上最具影響力的經典書籍之一。
- In the history of thought, "The Analects of Confucius" represents the philosophy achievement of the early the Confucian school. 在思想史上,《論語》代表了早期儒家的哲學成果。
- The Analects of confucius and Abacus is a famous book to which the well-known Japanese entrepreneur,Shibuzawa Aechi devoted his life experience. 《論語與算盤》是日本著名企業家澀澤榮一窮其一生的深切體會而結撰成的一本書。
- For example, I have benefited much from reading the Analects of Confucius and seeing the impact of Confucianism upon Chinese culture even today. 例如,研讀孔子的論語並親眼見到儒家思想對古今中國文化的深遠影響,使我獲益良多。
- Simple and concise language of the Analects of Confucius, the meaning of deep, many of which are still the world of speech as to the rationale. 論語的語言簡潔精練,含義深刻,其中有許多言論至今仍被世人視為至理。
- Extreme China for the Analects of Confucius in (G) in the article, "for the German government to" political and moral, benevolent to the high political balance of good and bad. 中國至尊孔子在{論語為政}篇中有,「為政以德」即道德的政治化,以德政的高下權衡政治的好壞.
- In the Analects of Confucius, there are the following words: to run a country with morality wins a ruler the respect that the Pole Star gets, circled by numerous other stars. 《論語》:為政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而眾星共之。
- The sons of Confucius are scattered in many parts of China. 孔子的後裔散居在中國許多地方。
- The ethos connoted in the Analects of Confucius is the moral sense of "governing with morals", the humanistic spirit of "loving the people", the gentlemanly demeanor of "behaving politely" and the value orientation of applying what is experienced. 《論語》內涵的民族精神主要是:「為政以德」的道德意識、「仁者愛人」的人文品格、「文質彬彬」的君子風範、經世致用的價值取向等等。
- A statue of confucius was emplaced in the square. 廣場上豎起了一座孔子塑像。
- In fact, we look down, The Analects of Confucius which really special that the remarks made by friends are not many, but he handed us a kind of wisdom is to choose a friend select a way of life. 其實縱觀下來,論語裡面真正專門說到交友之道的言論並不多,但是他交給我們一種智慧,選擇一個朋友是選擇一種生活方式。