- 在「屬性」窗口中,滾動到Height,然後將值設置為0.01或為消除多餘的空白區域所能對行高設置的最小值。In the Properties window, scroll to Height and set the value to 0.01 or the minimum value you can set for row height to eliminate extra whitespace.
- pubic height (人)恥骨高
- relative height (拉深時)相對高度
- Level函數返回的值從0開始;即,層次結構中的第一級為0。The value returned by the Level function is zero based; that is, the first level in a hierarchy is 0.
- 耶穌被釘死在十字架上。與the連用The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- maximum shut height (壓機的)最大封閉高度
- THE蛋白THE gene
- 零點二(0.2)nought decimal two
- minimum shut height (模具的)最小閉合高度
- height of odontoid process (人)齒突高
- 他們以20比0大敗他們的敵手。They whaled their rivals 20 to 0.
- proportion of weight to height (馬)體重率
- 數字十個阿拉伯數字元號從0到9中的任意一個One of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through9.
- 也可以使用Height和Width屬性縮放圖像。You can also use the Height and Width properties to scale the image.
- 羅馬數字的0Roman numeral for 0
- 在Internet上,從Microsoft可免費下載NetMeeting2。0,地址是。Download netmeeting2.0 for free from Microsoft over the internet at.
- 可使用Height和Width屬性向瀏覽器發送圖像的大小規範。You can use the Height and Width properties to send image size specifications to the browser.
- 固定資產投資價格上漲0.2%。The prices for investment in fixed assets were up 0.2 percent.
- 描述對Height和Width屬性、Move方法和ScaleMode設置的更改。Describes changes to the Height and Width properties, the Move method, and ScaleMode settings.
- 水在0℃時結成冰。Ice forms at the temperature of 0℃.