- The man』s ability was attested by his rapid promotion. 此人的能力由他升遷之快得到證實。
- They were all invited to the Venice Biennale to test their UFO's ability to fly. 所以請這些農民去威尼斯在雙年展上試飛。
- Man' s ability to reason makes him different from the animal. 人類的思考力使自己不同於動物。
- This has no effect on ereg()'s ability to match more substrings. 這並不影響ereg()匹配更多子串的能力。
- It furthers people"s cognition and strengthens people"s ability. 它提高了人的認識,增強了人的能力。
- IRL can also affect the bank』s ability of screening. 其次,利率市場化還會影響銀行的信息甄別能力。
- The test verifies the system?s ability to transmitting information with high data transmittal rate, which can be adjusted by software and reach the rate as high as 57.6 kbit/s. 經實驗檢測 ;該系統能以較高的數據傳輸率傳遞信息 ;數據傳輸率可以用軟體調整 ;最大數據傳輸率為 5 7.;6kbit/s。
- Earlier this year, the first flight test conducted at PMRF demonstrated THAAD's ability to intercept a threat representative target in the high endo-atmosphere. 該年的早些時候,在該靶場進行的測試,展示了其攔截大氣層外典型目標的能力。
- The macrophage s ability of phagocytizing sperm may also be increased. 巨噬細胞吞噬精子能力亢進,抑制精子的活動度及其功能;
- Nothing compares to TVE's ability to eliminate enterprise level fragmentation. 在去除企業碎片方面,TVE的能力無以倫比。
- Transmission security limits the enemy 's ability to listen to radio signals. 傳輸保密限制了敵人偵聽無線電信號的能力。
- Improving the IAEA's ability to detect safeguard violations is not enough. 僅僅提高國際原子能機構核查違反保障機製做法的能力還不夠。
- The distinctive LRDG Chevy's became emblematic of the LRDG's ability to adopt any useful equipment were into their unusual arsenal. 與眾不同的雪佛蘭卡車幾乎成為了LRDG的標誌,這也顯示了他們獨具很強的武器裝備適應能力。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 簡單的試驗就能證明這是否是真金。
- The list of complaints could fill this page, because a person』s ability to rationalize what not to do has no bounds. 名單可以填補這一頁的投訴、因為一個人的能力;沒有什麼不可以做合理的範圍內.
- On-line ARECA's ability to protect its private key enables it to sign certificates or revoke certificates securely. ARECA的設計保護了CA私鑰的保密性,使ARECA能實時在線地為用戶簽發證書或撤銷證書;
- CNN's ability to keep up with such high-quality reporting has won it worldwide credibility. 它長時間持續這樣優異的表現,才能贏得今天的全球公信力。
- He thinks he' s a second Churchill ! ie believes he has Churchill' s abilities. 他認為他是第二個丘吉爾(自信有丘吉爾的才能).
- The controllable overhead variance indicates management' s ability to keep the factory overhead cost within the limits set forth in the budget. 製造費用的控制差異體現了管理當局將製造費用控制在預算之內的能力。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小學生只要考試及格就會升到高年級。