- The act of dying; termination of life. 死,死亡死的動作; 生命的終結
- It's no use to discuss the termination of contract with them. 跟他們討論終止合同是沒有用的。
- Will termination of Textile Quota Bring Higher Tax? 紡織配額的終止會否帶來更高的稅額?
- Reduce the number of unused windows displayed at one time. 減少同時顯示的不使用的窗口數。
- Termination of an action by the plaintiff. 訴訟程序的中止
- Breach and Termination of Agreement. 是"廢除和終止協議"條款,對吧?
- Quick and stable termination of busy tasks. 快速和穩定的終止繁忙的任務。
- The termination of a batsman's innings. 擊球手一個回合的結束
- A controlled premature termination of processing activity in a computer system because of a mistake, nonrecoverable error, or malfunction. 由於事故、不可恢復的錯誤或故障,以一種受控制的方式提前結束計算機系統內的處理活動。
- Sections 1.1 and 7 will survive any termination of this EULA. 本EULA因任何原因終止后,第1.;1、及7節條款將繼續有效。
- The main reason of unused A-CEI/ARB was hypotension. 不使用ACEI/ARB的主要原因是低血壓。
- In ACF / VTAM, the termination of a physical connection. 在通信存取方法ACF/VTAM中,某物理連接的結束。
- The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy. 房東給了租期終止的通知。
- It is no use to discuss the termination of contract with them. 跟他們討論終止合同是沒有用的。
- Scientists noted that America's greatest source of unused brainpower was women. 科學家發現美國最大的未使用的智慧資源就是女性。
- But the Director of Immigration would take into account the unused balance if an employer submits a new application within 4 months of the termination of the contract. 然而,若僱主在現行合約終止后4個月內提出新的申請,入境處處長會把征款餘額計入新的申請。
- To move files, libraries, or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space. 把磁碟上的文件、庫、文件夾移到一起,使未使用的空間成為一個連續區。
- To move files,libraries,or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space. 把磁碟上的文件、庫、文件夾移到一起,使未使用的空間成為一個連續區。
- Waiting for the terminal of the count down. 等待著倒計時的終點。
- Since 1979 the EPA has allowed "banking" of unused emission reduction credits, for offset against future new sources. 從1979年開始,環境保護局一直允許「儲存」未使用的減少排放量,可用於補償將來的新污染源。