- Could is used to make more tentative suggestions. 可用以提出較試探性的建議。
- Tent is used by camper and by soldier in the field. 露營的人和戰地的士兵用帳篷。
- The tent flaps should be tightly fastened. 帳篷的帘布應緊緊系住。
- The wind caused the tent to collapse. 風把帳篷吹塌了。
- I forgot to dig a trench around the tent. 我忘了在帳篷四周挖一條溝。
- The formula of the medicine is still a secret. 此葯的配方仍是秘密。
- "How do you do?" is a polite formula. "您好。"是客氣的套語。
- They set up a tent near the seashore. 他們在海濱附近搭起了一個帳篷。
- Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些遲疑不決。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是這個哈特創造了西部電影的基本格局。
- The support for the tent is rigid. 帳篷的支柱很堅固。
- Please slacken the tent rope before it rains. 下雨前,請將帳篷的繩索放鬆。
- We rigged up a tent with an old blanket. 我們用舊毛毯草草搭成帳篷。
- Fixed the tent poles in the ground. 把帳篷的柱子固定在地上
- A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out. 已擬定一個解決邊界糾紛的方案。
- A causal agency, force, or quality. 起因誘因、原因性動力或特質
- Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula. 勞資雙方仍在商談制訂和解方案。
- Before it get dark the camper put up their tent in a field. 天黑前,野營者在地里搭起了帳篷。
- They are working on the perfection of their new paint formula. 他們正在努力研製盡善盡美的新顏料配方。
- It's the formula for converting gallons into liters. 這是加侖與升的換算公式。