- The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense. 第二十條一般保證和連帶責任保證的保證人享有債務人的抗辯權。
- Where a debtor waives his right of defense against the obligation, the surety shall still enjoy a right of defense . 第二十條一般保證和連帶責任保證的保證人享有債務人的抗辯權。
- Where a debtor waives his right of defense against the obligation, the surety shall still enjoy a right of defense. 抗辯權是指債權人行使債權時,債務人根據法定事由,對抗債權人行使請求權的權利。
- Article20 The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense. 第二十條一般保證和連帶責任保證的保證人享有債務人的抗辯權。
- Article 20 The surety of a general suretyship or a suretyship of joint and several liability shall enjoy the debtor's right of defense. 第二十條一般保證和連帶責任保證的保證人享有債務人的抗辯權。
- ARPANET started by the US Dept. of Defense for research. 美國國防部建立了阿帕網,作研究用。
- She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense. 她現在隸屬於國防部。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人們有權通過這些田地嗎?
- He was the then secretary of Defense. 他是當時的國防部長。
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳擊比賽資格。
- There are three kinds of defense right in the Contract Law in our country: the counterargument right for simultaneous performance, counterargument right for security, right of plea against the advance performance. 我國《合同法》規定了三種抗辯權,即同時履行抗辯權、后履行抗辯權、不安抗辯權。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在這個拐彎處,我們有優先行駛權。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 諾曼人征服了英格蘭成了統治者。
- The right of defense means a debtor's right to exercise his right of claim on legal basis against the creditor when the creditor seeks to enforce his rights. 抗辯權是指債權人行使債權時,債務人根據法定事由,對抗債權人行使請求權的權利。
- He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture. 他憑著長子繼承權,繼承了他父親的財產。
- The right of defense means a debtor's right to exercise his right of claim on legal basis against the creditor when the creditor seeds to enforce his rights. 抗辯權是指債權人行使債權時,債務人根據法定事由,對抗債權人行使請求權的權利。
- He demand the right of reply to the newspaper allegation. 他要求獲得對報紙斷言的答辯權。
- Our line of defense was strongly fortified. 我們的防線壁壘森嚴。
- The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention. 該雜誌對防務內幕的透露引起了極大的關注。
- It's my right of way, so you should have stopped and let me go. 我有優先通行權,你本應當停車讓我先過。