- An envoy to another person, party, or government. 使者派遣到另一個人、團體或政府處去的使節
- Never turn your power over to another person. 自己的權利絕不移交於人。
- The person who assigns a right or interest to another person. 將權利或權益轉讓給其他人的人。
- It means that my boyfriend said hurtful things about me to another person. 這句話的意思是我男朋友跟別人講了中傷我的話。」
- No one should make free to open a letter addressed to another person. 誰都不應該隨便拆別人的信。
- Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American, too. 不一會兒,他就和另一個人聊上了,這人剛好也是美國人。
- A communication sent from a person or program to another person or program. 一個人或一道程序發送給另一個人或另一道程序的一種通信。
- Any losses caused to another person shall be compensated according to law. 造成他人損失的,應當依法給予補償。
- A battery is the intentional application of force to another person. 毆打是對另一人故意施加的暴力。
- A person infected with tularemia cannot pass the disease on to another person. 一個感染了兔熱病的人不能將疾病傳播給另一個人。
- A person can inorder to another person changes, gives in, this is alove. 一個人會為了另一個人去改變、去遷就,這就是愛。
- The owner of our store wants to transfer ownership to another person. 我們行東想把買賣盤出去。
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 這個問題就說到這裡吧,現在來談談另一個話題。
- I'm hanged if I tell any word to another. 如果我告訴別人一個字,我就不得好死。
- Coal mining enterprises may not transfer or lease to another person the coal production licenses they have legally obtained. 依法取得煤炭生產許可證的煤礦企業不得將其煤炭生產許可證轉讓或者出租給他人。
- This means that it can be transferred to another person,to pay a debt for example. 這就是說,它可以被轉讓給他人,比如用來還債。
- He was soon transferred to another post. 他很快被調職。
- But compensation shall be made for malicious damage caused to another person by a trademark registrant. 但是,因商標註冊人的惡意給他人造成損失的,應當予以賠償。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- As long as they have no symptoms, infected women and men cannot transmit trichomonas to another person. 感染了滴蟲的男性和女性,只要他們沒有了癥狀就不會傳染給他人。