- Establishments companies『 enterprise culture, builds the good work atmosphere, promotes staff『s cohesive force. 確立公司的企業文化,營造良好工作氛圍,提升員工的凝聚力。
- team' s cohesive force 團隊凝聚力
- A team must have cohesive force, coordination, competitiveness, and immunity, which well manifest the benign development of the team. 團隊必須要具備凝聚力、作力、鬥力、疫力四個方面,才是團隊建設好的表現。
- Studies on Nanyang Mountain Area show that clansman』s recognition of patriarchal clans still exists and has a certain cohesive force but its influence is rather limited. 對南陽山區四個村莊的調查情況顯示, 該地區的宗族認同感尚存並能發揮一定的凝聚功能, 但其影響力極其有限。
- Regardless of being stems from the economic potentiality, the team technique and tactics or the cohesive force aspect consideration, Nix cuts Mabry as if in the reason. 無論是出於經濟實力、球隊技戰術還是凝聚力方面的考慮,尼克斯裁掉馬布里似乎都在情理之中。
- Med persists throughout humanist-----Take company all staff as development basis and establishes to have the cohesive force and the centripetal force fills the vitality the team. 麥頓始終堅持以人為本-----以公司全體員工為發展的根本,建立一個具有凝聚力和向心力的充滿朝氣的團隊。
- Goal: Enhances the club interior cohesive force, meanwhile raises the members' cooperated consciousness. 目的:提高俱樂部內部的凝聚力,培養俱樂部成員的團隊合作意識。
- In theory, political parties could provide the cohesive force to balance the centrifugal influences of a fragmented committee system. 從理論上來說,政黨可以提供一種內聚力來牽制分散的委員會體系的離心力。
- We analyse the factors such as dust resistively, the applied electric field and dust water ration which affect the dust cohesive force. 分析了比電阻、外加電場和粉塵含水率等因素對粉塵粘結力的影響。
- There is inner mechanism in Nationalism's molding dauntless cohesive force and nation identity. 民族主義能塑造出堅韌的凝聚力與強烈的認同感,有其內在的社會心理機制;
- Patriotism and sacrifice of overseas Chinese reveal the great cohesive force of Chinese. 海外華僑在抗日戰爭中所表現出的強烈愛國熱情和犧牲精神 ,充分顯示了中華民族強大的凝聚力。
- Establishments companies'enterprise culture, builds the good work atmosphere, promotes staff's cohesive force. 確立公司的企業文化,營造良好工作氛圍,提升員工的凝聚力。
- The cohesive force of the company is increasingly intensified in the rich and colorful after-hour life and safe and peaceful life environment. 豐富多彩的職工業餘生活,安全穩定的生活環境,使公司的凝聚力不斷增強。
- Because of the strong cohesive force,PVA adhesive is widely useed.But most of them is polyvinyl acetal adhesive. 由於較強的粘結力,聚乙烯醇粘合劑有著廣泛的應用,但大部分是聚乙烯醇縮醛類。
- This paper points o nt the point of the problem of how to streng then the cohesive force of the coll ective. 本文著重指出了增強集體凝聚力的著眼點,著力處及關鍵問題。
- Has the extra-heavy cohesive force, transparent, the thick two-sided agglutination adhesive tape. 有特強粘合力、透明、厚型的雙面粘合膠帶。
- Dextrin non-toxic, non-corrosion, soluble in water, do not dissolve in alcohol, has strong cohesive force. 糊精無毒、無腐蝕、易溶於水、不溶於酒精,具有較強的粘結力。
- This paper holds that it is a result of natural economy, a social system for the Buyi people and a means of maintaining community or clan cohesive force. 本文認為,這種生活樣式是自然經濟的派生物,是布依族的一種社會制度,是維繫社區、群內聚力的紐帶。
- The inclusions reduced the cohesive force of the matrix so that the steel cracked at a stress levelfar below its ultimate strength. 這些夾雜物的存在降低了鋼的基體的結合力,從而使鋼板在遠低於其極限強度下開裂。
- The reason for that lies in the fact that the Chinese culture has stronger cohesive force and radiant power than the Roman culture. 而另一文明中心卻在這種衝擊浪潮中滅亡了。 究其根本原因 ,在於漢文化的內聚力和輻射力要比古羅馬文化更為強大