- A word once spoken cannot be taken back even by a team of four horses. 一言既出,駟馬難追。
- The carriage was drawn by a team of four white horses. 這輛馬車是由一組四匹白馬拉的。
- a team of four horses controlled by one driver 由一人駕馭四匹馬的隊伍
- Even a team of four horses cannot overtake and recover what is already said 駟不及舌
- People over eighteen can a team of four and join this charity walk. 十八歲以上的人自行組成四人一組參加這次慈善步行。
- A Russian carriage drawn by a team of three horses abreast. 三駕馬車由三匹馬並肩拉的俄國式馬車
- People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four people and join this charity walk. 年滿十八歲的人可以把他們自己組成四人小組,參加這個慈善行走活動。
- I backed four horses but won nothing. 我在四匹馬上下了注,但全都輸了。
- Context of the job: A team of four people, based in Beijing, facilitating the training activity for the cement activities of Lafarge in China. 此職位要求能做英文現場翻譯,目前為助理職位,將來可為人力資源的培訓方向。
- Another hunters' campaign brought the loss of four congeners for the peaceful ducks.It was decided to send a team of sab... 作為愛好和平的野鴨中的戰鬥者,你同你的助手,要摧毀獵鴨隊的圍捕攻擊,拯救全員。
- In the south of France, he has a team of four armed operatives who carry 9mm Glock pistols while guarding his vast villa. 在法國南部他有一個手持9mmGlock手槍的四人武裝小組在他區別墅時保護他。
- A team of horses were pulling the carriage. 幾匹馬拉著馬車前行。
- A team of African bearers came with us on safari. 有一隊非洲腳夫和我們一起進行狩獵旅行。
- Our cat has a litter of four kittens. 我們家的貓一窩養了4隻小貓。
- Relay: A race in which athletes race in teams of four, taking turns to run. 接力賽:四人組成一個隊,輪流跑完全程的徑賽。
- A card game ancestral to bridge, played with a full deck by two teams of two players, in which the last card dealt indicates trump, tricks of four cards are played, and a point is scored for each trick over six won by each team. 惠斯特牌橋牌的一種原始形式,玩時各由兩位玩手組成的兩方玩一副紙牌,最後所發的一張牌為王牌,玩時以四張牌為一圈進行,第一圈中各方所贏得的每個點都被算作6分
- One of four offspring born in a single birth. 四胞胎之一一胎出生的四個孩子中的一個
- Children usually lisp until they are three of four. 孩子三、四歲前說話往往口齒不清。
- A team of african bearer come with us on safari. 有一隊非洲腳夫和我們一起進行狩獵旅行。
- On the last day of a one-week reconnaissance trip in 1988, our team of four split up to prospect the precipitous slopes flanking each side of the Tinguiririca River. 1988年,在為期一周的勘查之旅中,到了最後一天,小組成員分成四路前進,沿著廷奎歷力卡山谷兩側的陡峭斜坡仔細勘查。