- AIM: To study the job burnout of judges. 摘要目的:調查法官工作倦怠現狀。
- Job burnout of teachers is a syndrome of emotion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. 中小學教師工作倦怠主要表現為:情感耗竭、人格解體、個體成就感降低。
- Job burnout is the important cause affecting teachers' psychological heath and job activeness. 工作倦怠是影響教師心理健康和工作積極性的重要原因。
- Farber,a professor of psychology of Columbia university,proposes three types of teacher job burnout: worn-out subtype,frenetic subtype,and under challenged subtype. 美國哥倫比亞大學教育心理學教授法泊提出教師職業倦怠有三種類型:情緒衰竭型、狂熱型、能力富餘型。
- Objective: To explore the relationships among perceptions of organizational politics' influences, job satisfaction and job burnout for middle school teacher. 摘要目的:探討中學教師組織政治認知對其工作滿意度及職業倦怠的影響。
- Job burnout exists really and popularly in college English teachers,which has greatly influences the physical health of teachers and healthy development of higher educations undertaking. 大學英語教師職業倦怠客觀存在並十分普遍,這種現象極大地影響了教師的身心健康和高教事業的健康發展。
- This outcome suggested that job-character was an important influencing factor on job burnout of telecom staff. 該結果表明,適當降低員工的工作要求,增強技能多樣性,擴大決策自主性,可望有效地預防電信人員的工作倦怠。
- Objective: To explore the impact of personality and locus of control on job burnout. 摘要目的:考察人格特徵與心理控制源對法官工作倦怠的影響。
- Objective To explore the role of active attention in easing job burnout of nurses. 目的探討積極關注技術在減輕護士工作疲潰感中的作用。
- Objective To investigate the degree of nurses' job burnout in emergency department. 目的了解我院急診科護士的職業倦怠狀況。
- Result: Role conflict can predict all dimensions of job burnout; role ambiguity can predict cynicism and diminished professional efficacy. 結果:角色衝突對職業倦怠的三個維度均有較高的預測力;角色模糊能對消極怠慢和效能感低進行有效預測。
- Job burnout is as much about your dreams as it is about your work, because burnout is the gap between your expectations and your ability to meet them. 工作疲乏不但和工作有關,同樣也和夢想也有關。因為工作疲乏是你的期望值和實現期望所需要的能力之間的差距。
- Cooperative objective was the mediator variable between co-workers organizational tenure similarity and supportive behaviors, and job burnout. 合作性目標在員工任職期限的相似性與相互支持行為、工作倦怠之間的關係方面起完全中介作用。
- Method A questionnaire survey was conducted on 64 nurses in emergency department and 256 nurses in other departments with the Job Burnout Inventory. 方法採用問卷調查法,對我院64名急診科護士及256名其他科室護士的職業倦怠狀況進行調查。
- Methods: A total of 748 nurses were investigated on general condition,job burnout,social support and job satisfaction by layer cluster sampling. 採用分層整群抽樣方法對748名護士進行一般狀況、工作倦怠、社會支持及工作滿意度調查。
- Job burnout can be manifested in the following 3 aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. 工作倦怠的表現有三個方面,即情緒衰竭、人格解體和個人成就感降低。
- The most serious manifest of job burnout is cynicism,following by emotional exhaustion and decreased professional self-efficacy. 職業倦怠的表現尤以玩世不恭最為嚴重,其次為情緒衰竭和成就感低落。
- Job burnout easily appears in the occupations which serving for human such as medicine,nursing and education,especially in medical staff. 職業倦怠容易發生在醫療護理、教育等與人交往多的行業中,醫務人員是職業倦怠的高發人群。
- Based on the 392 nurses survey,this study was to examine the relationship among nurse job burnout,role cognition and its dimensions. 通過對392名護理人員的調查,研究角色認知及其維度與護士工作倦怠的關係。
- Lee R.,Ashforth B.E.A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Correlates of the Three Dimensions of Job Burnout[ J ].Jounal of Applied Psychology,81 (2). 劉曉明;王增文.;中小學教師職業倦怠與心理健康的關係研究[J]