- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下議院當眾發表了一個聲明。
- The life and energy spent on the sensational chat pubs and tea houses of entertainment, that is the real tragedy. 把生命和精力花在嘩眾取寵的閑聊和茶樓酒館的應酬上,那才是真正的悲哀。
- Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 讀書是打開知識寶庫的鑰匙。
- The trees outside the windows deprive the house of light. 窗外的樹木把房子遮擋得暗然無光。
- A new house of any size is now almost invariably symmetrical. 現在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是對稱的。
- The high building deprived their house of sunlight. 那楝高建築物使他們的房子失去陽光。
- Many a woman sighs for a house of her own. 很多女人都渴望有自己的房子。
- The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 am. 下議院凌晨三時仍在開會。
- They have bought a house of generous dimensions. 他們買了一所寬敞的房屋。
- Ok. We can go to a tradi-tional tea house. (好的,我們可以去傳統的茶館。)
- He is speaker of the House of Representatives. 他是眾議院的議長。
- The government has been soft-pedalling (on) the question of teachers' pay. 政府一直低調處理教師的工資問題。
- The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble. 宅邸中世紀王公、貴族的城堡或房宇
- He is the strictest of teachers in our school. 他是我們學校最嚴格的老師。
- A rectangular house of one story; a ranch house. 牧屋單層的長方形房屋; 牧屋
- If you have a lot to say, then, let's go to Wistaria Tea House... 如果你有很多話要說,我們去紫藤廬吧!
- American Federation of Teachers. 美國教師聯合會
- They are talking to a Chinese friend,Fu Jie,at a tea house. 他們現在正在一家茶館和他們的中國朋友付傑聊天。
- What's more,lots of teachers have struck too. 此外,大批教師也參加了罷課。
- I tried to build a house of cards but is soon toppled down. 我試著用紙牌搭房子,但搭起來的房子一下就散塌了。