- I will savor its taste and give thanks. 一口一口,細細品嘗,滿懷感激。
- Taste and smell are closely connected. 味覺與嗅覺是密切相關的。
- He had a literary taste and was well read in science. 他有文學愛好,也熟諳科學。
- How to Comment and Appraise in Physics Class? 怎樣上好物理講評課?
- Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished. 高尚的,有教養的品味和舉止優雅的; 有文化的; 有修養的
- Their taste and style were archaic. 他們的情趣與風格都是古老的。
- Taste and inclination are unlike. 趣味不同。
- Original taste and flavor provides good nutrition. 原汁原味,營養豐富。
- Tossed salad retains its original taste and flavor. 涼拌生菜,原汁原味。
- He has refined his taste and manners. 他已使自己的趣味愛好和舉止儀態變得高雅完美。
- How is gin infused with its taste and aroma? 金酒的味道和芳香是怎樣浸入進來的?
- The tea has sweet taste and lingering rose aroma. 由於其外觀金玉交錯般富麗堂皇,故名「金玉滿堂」。
- Hydrogen has no colour, no taste and no smell. 氫氣無色、無味、無嗅。
- It features good taste and marvellous fragrance. 這酒醇香濃郁,清洌甘爽。
- Specially blended for both taste and aroma. 順滑而微妙,口感與室韻俱佳。
- Taste and smell are closely connect ed. 味覺與嗅覺是密切相關的.
- Each cookie was uniform in both taste and texture. 每片餅乾在口味及外觀上都是一致的。
- They are varied in style, taste and presentation. 在風格、味道和樣式上都是不同的。
- This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. 我要把每分每秒化為甘露,一口一口,細細品嘗,滿懷感激。
- I took a mouthful and savor, ed the taste. 我吃趑一囗,慢慢地品嘗其滋味。