- This proclamation of God's all-seeing eye was given in response to King Asa's reliance upon another ruler for military security. 先知宣告上帝的眼目遍察全地,是因為亞撒王在軍事上倚賴亞蘭王。
- The new government expropriated his estate for military purposes. 新政府將他的地產征作軍用。
- Jack won't be called up for military service; he is over age. 傑克不會被徵召服役,他已超齡。
- Her son was enrolled for military service a couple of years ago. 她兒子於兩三年前應募入伍。
- Coordinating Committee for Military Security Affairs 軍事安全事務協調委員會
- A storage installation for military equipment and supplies. 軍備倉庫存放軍事裝備及物資的倉庫
- There was in fact a recognized tariff for the scout on such occasion. 事實上,遇到這種宴會,總要給校工一筆小費。
- The goods would be tagged for military use. 這些貨物要被選作軍用品。
- You have the liability for military service. 你有服兵役的義務。
- They may be liable for military service. 他們可能還有服兵役的義務。
- To outfit and equip, as for military duty. 裝備,配備裝備和配備,如為了軍事任務
- Military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising. 軍事安全最近已經升級了。
- It is famous for military affairs. 它以軍事報道著稱。
- At the noticeboard tells me:"Military security zone. 公告欄上這麼寫著:「軍事安全區。
- To seize for military use;confiscate. 徵用取作軍用;徵用
- His son has been called up for military service. 他的兒子被徵召去服兵役去了。
- Fengzheng was originally made for military use. 風箏的淵源起于軍事。
- They decided to have a talk for military purpose. 為了軍事目的,他們決定進行一次會談。
- Could kites be used for military purposes? 風箏還可以用于軍事?
- Free parking for military vehicles. 首先,這個英譯文不規範,應為。