- He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。
- We were charged with being drunk and disorderly. 我們被控酗酒和妨害治安。
- The contents are multifarious and disorderly. 內容龐雜。
- He was degraded for being drunk and disorderly. 他因酗酒及不守紀律而受降級處分。
- They were arrested for being drunk and disorderly. 他們因喝醉酒和胡作非為被逮捕。
- The police charged him with being drunk and disorderly. 警察指控他酒醉擾亂社會治安!
- The owner kicked them out of the restaurant for being loud and disorderly. 他們又吵又鬧,餐館的主人把他們攆了出去。
- Oh, is there no way you can express it without being "drunk and disorderly"? 哦,有沒有辦法可以表達,而「酗酒和妨害治安」?
- Llyr was so old he appeared to be carved of driftwood, and his hair floated out tangled and green, like seaweed. 林瑞太老了,他似乎是朽木雕刻而成,他的綠色的頭髮飄動著,糾結著,像海藻一樣。
- I didn't know the feeling of tangling and love until I met you. 認識你才知道有一種心情叫做依戀,有一種感覺叫做愛。
- Varicoceles is a condition like varicose veins where the blood vessels in the scrotum become tangled and swollen. 精索靜脈曲張就是陰囊的靜脈血迴流所經過的精索靜脈變得扭曲和擴張。
- I exhausted myself remorselessly in tangled and contradictory accounts, and I wept with impotent despair. 為了這些混亂、矛盾的講述,我毫不顧惜地弄得自己精疲力竭,卻無能為力,只好絕望地哭泣著。
- It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking ofsingle fibre in the process. 這對減少集束過程中纖維的毛絲、糾結和單絲破斷,亦具有積極的作用。
- The rooms were excessively bare and disorderly, and the curtain to my window was fastened up with a fork. 這兩間屋子沒有什麼傢具,凌亂不堪,我房間那扇窗戶的帘子是系在一把叉子上的。
- At first, the protein molecules are tangled and chaotic. But as you mix the dough, they line up with one another, forming longer strands of gluten. 起初,蛋白分子纏結在一起,呈雜亂排列。當你將水粉混合的時候,蛋白分子開始整齊排列,並逐漸形成較長的鏈狀麵筋結構。
- It is the character of EEG at high altitude that slowly frequency and higher amplitude and disorderly wave. :波幅較高、頻率較慢、腦波雜亂可能是移居高原者腦電活動的特點。
- Excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates are undesirable for economic growth. 匯率過度的不穩定和無秩序的移動對經濟的增長是不利的。
- "We have received pictures of him in a U2 craft, trying parachuting and even looking drunk and disorderly. "我們收到了它在U2太空船中拍的照片。它正在試著跳傘,即使看上去有點醉醺醺的,有些慌亂的樣子。"
- This comb can remove tangles and snarls from both the mane and tail. 蹄採擷用於清洗土和殘骸在馬的蹄外面的底部。
- The difference in management and quality of products in these enterprises results in market chaos and disorderly competition. 企業經營及產品質量參差不齊,導致市場混亂和無序競爭。