- talk over someone's head 說得使某人聽不懂
- He invited me to his home to talk over old times. 他邀我到他家裡去聊聊過去的事。
- He call on his friend in order that he may talk over his problem. 他去看望他的朋友是為了能討論他的問題。
- It is ungracious to carry things over someone's head while he/she is sitting. 某人坐著的時候,忌諱他人提物從頭上掠過。
- Do It make sense If I say , A he 's head over heal In love with her y ? 如果我說,"he's head over heal in love with her"這行的通嗎?
- The Jacksons talked over important things together. 傑克遜一家聚在一起商量了一些重要事情。
- Let 's head back to the intersection. 我們開回到那個交叉路口去。
- The nurse cushioned the patient 's head. 護士在病人頭部鋪上墊子。
- They had a great deal in common to talk over. 他們有很多共同的東西可談。
- He is modeling the girl 's head in clay. 他在用粘土製作女孩的頭部塑像。
- We must leave them to talk over the arrangements. 我們應讓他們去商量具體安排。
- She cushioned the baby 's head in her lap. 她讓嬰兒的頭部枕在自己大腿上。
- Central! Someone else is talking over the wire. 總機!有個串線了。
- She cushioned the baby 's head in her lap . 她讓嬰兒的頭部枕在自己大腿上。
- They are now talking over the plan. 他們正在商討那個計劃。
- Mary 's arm pillowed the baby 's head . 嬰兒枕在瑪麗的臂上。
- You'd better talk over with your parents again. 最好再和你的父母談談。
- Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull』s head to the side. 舊馬蹄扳牛市的頭部至一邊。
- Let's talk over coffee(= while drinking coffee). 咱們邊喝咖啡邊聊吧。
- Sam : Let』s head to Main Beach at East Hampton. 山姆 :我們去東漢普敦的大海灘吧。