- talented person' s capital backlog 人才資本積累
- Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is. 像他這麼有才華的人不應滿足於現狀。
- He is a talented person, but few know of him. 他是個有才能的人,然而知道他的人並不多。
- Nice talented person grooms mechanism. 良好的人才培訓機制。
- Mr. Jansen is a talented person. 簡森先生是個有才華的人。
- He is an unusually talented person. 他是個難得的人才。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜歡他。不過說句公道話,我得承認他是個很有才華的人。
- Germania』s capital, Berlin, became a Nazi showplace. 德國首都柏林,成為納粹展示。
- The Jiangxi Linchuan, is talented person"s cradle, is known as "township of the talented person" laudatory name. 臨川這股陳式太極拳風的形成,首先是由於陳式太極拳本身的內涵,具有極強的吸引力。
- He is the music talented person, this is indubitable. 他是個音樂才子,這是無可置疑的。
- AMERICA'S capital, filled with politicos and pundits, is a noisy place. 美國首都政客學者雲集,熱鬧非凡。
- It can take advantage of the resource of information on provincial capital city, fund, science and technology, management, talented person and comparative market centralization. 可就近利用省會城市信息、資金、科技、管理、人才、市場相對集中的資源優勢;
- The economical competition, the science and technology competition, is in the final analysis talented person"s competition, the national quality competition. 經濟的競爭,科學技術的競爭,歸根到底是人才的競爭,國民素質的競爭。
- Film Company Boss: That's not a problem. You just choose a talented person. 電影公司老闆:那不成問題由您選擇人才好了。
- Abruzzo』s capital, L』Aquila, stands at the foot of the Gran Sasso and has many important churches and monuments. 阿布魯佐的省會是拉奎拉,它座落在大薩索山的山腳下,那裡有許多重要的教堂與紀念碑。
- Such talented person echelon and specialized troop, for profession in rare. 這樣的人才梯隊與專業化隊伍,為行業內所少見。
- We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. 我們還應該進一步增大IMF的資金池,以擴大其新的貸款協議。
- Continual attract Ho culturist a whole range of up to dick talented person . 以人為本:不斷吸引和培養一大批優秀的人才。
- CDB's capital base has been pinched by continued lending growth without an increase in equity. 由於貸款不斷增長,而公司的股本並未增加,這使得國家開發銀行的資本充足率出現下降。
- Is the talented person that leukaemia wants to find close kin possible subsist? 白血病是不是要找到至親的人才有可能活下去?