- The fire and explosion accidents in the devices for smashing and grinding process take place frequently. 粉碎研磨設備火災爆炸事故發生率較高。
- In recent years,the behaviorsof undercutting listed companys have been taking place frequently,which damagestock market in our country. 近年來,掏空上市公司的行為頻頻發生,給我國股市造成惡劣影響。
- Nature disasters taken place frequently at the same time, especially flood and neighbor provinces' bandits, were an important factor in the rampant brigandism of He Bei area. 同時自然災害的頻繁發生,特別是水患以及鄰省的土匪越境也是河北土匪活動猖獗的重要因素。
- In recent years, injuries done to minors in campus took place frequently, which has had some effects on students, their parents and even the whole society. 未成年人校園傷害事故頻頻發生,影響日巨、日廣,對此類案件的處理,卻因法律規定的模糊,認識上的差異等而出現不同的觀點與結果。
- "Capital account" refers to items of transactions taking place frequently in international payments. They include trade incomes and expenditures, incomes from and expenditures on labor services, and unitary transfers. (六)「經常項目」是指國際收支中經常發生的交易項目,包括貿易收支、勞務收支、單方面轉移等。
- A disorderly demonstration will take place. 一場示威遊行將要發生。
- The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine. 遊園義賣會定於星期日舉行,風雨無阻。
- The meeting will take place soon. 會議即將舉行。
- When does the birthday party take place? 生日慶祝會什麼時候舉行?
- Reasons and Proposals on Safety Accidents that Take Place Frequently in Coal Mines 煤礦安全事故頻發的原因及建議
- When will the basketball game take place? 籃球賽何時舉行?
- An fatal accident take place at this cross three years ago. 這個十字路口三年前發生了一起死亡事故。
- Favourite food? Patronise any eating place frequently? 問:喜歡怎樣的食物呢?有經常去的食店嗎?
- The marriage will take place in May. 婚禮將於五月舉行。
- As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一樣,年度審計將在十二月份進行。
- All the action in the play take place at one railroad station. 該劇的整個情節均發生在一座火車站裡。
- The accident took place at the crossroads. 事故就發生在十字路口。
- The official opening of the store will take place next week. 這家店下周正式開張。
- The press conjectured that a summit conference would take place. 報界猜測將會召開最高級會議。
- The 21st Olympiad took place in Montreal. 第21屆奧林匹克運動會是在蒙特利爾舉行的。