- I always have pity on the beggars. 我總是對乞丐心懷憐憫。
- Peach goes for women, who should take pity on indecision. 暗戀為雲女,應憐誰彷徨。
- Then the LORD will be jealous for his land and take pity on his people. 耶和華就為自己的地發熱心,憐恤他的百姓。
- I pray that you will have pity on my distress. 我請求你可憐可憐我的不幸遭遇。
- The other drinkers take pity on the old fellow. 其他酒徒則對這位老夥計十分同情。
- Please have pity for others'sufferings. 請同情他人之痛苦。
- If I do not take pity on her, I am a villian. 我要是不心疼她,我就是個惡棍。
- The old lady often takes pity on small animals. 那位老太太常常憐憫小動物。
- Why didn't god take pity on those poor guys? 老天爺又何必跟小小螻蟻計較?
- "Have pity on me."The wolf begged to MrDongGuo. 「可憐可憐我吧!」狼哀求東郭先生。
- The old lady often has pity on small animals. 那位老太太常常憐憫小動物。
- Do take pity on me, please; help me in the trouble. 請同情我,幫我渡過難關。
- One should have pity on the beggar in the street. 一個人應該同情街上的乞討者。
- We took pity on the homeless girl and took her into our house. 我們同情這個無家可歸的女孩,讓她住進了我們的屋子裡。
- Have pity on me, my friends, have pity, for the hand of God has struck me. 我朋友啊,可憐我!可憐我!因為上帝的手攻擊我。
- Perhaps the people in that house will have pity on me. 說不定那宅子里的人會憐憫我的。
- I don't want you to give me money beacuse you have pity on me. 我不要你那只是出於憐憫而施捨給我的錢。
- The old lady took pity on the orphan kittens. 這老婦人覺得失去母貓的小貓可憐而把它們收容了下來。
- Flower, have pity for the worm, it is not a bee, its love is a blunder and a burden. 花兒啊,對這小蟲發點慈悲吧,它不是一隻蜜蜂,它的愛戀只是一個過錯和煩憂。
- The villagers take pity on the hungry traveller and give them hot food. 村民們很同情飢餓的旅行者,端出熱的食物給他們吃。