- You'll have that pram if you don't take more care. 如果你不多加小心的話,會把那輛嬰兒車弄翻的。
- You'll have that pram if you do not take more care. 如果你不多加小心的話,會把那輛嬰兒車弄翻的。
- We should take more care of our historic buildings. 我們應該更加愛護有歷史意義的建築。
- You'll have that pram over if you don't take more care. 如果你不多加小心的話,你會把那輛嬰兒車弄翻的。
- Far away from home, you should take more care of yourself. 當你離家很遠的時候,你應當更好地照顧自己。
- What a heavy smoker you are! Give up smoking and take more care of yourself! 你個煙鬼,把煙戒了,多關心一下自己吧!
- Taking more care with your lingerie than your skin? 比起皮膚更加關心你的內衣嗎?
- Don't swipe at the ball carelessly, take more careful aim. 別漫不經心地擊球,瞄準一些。
- You must take much care of your handwriting; it's so illegible. 你得特別注意書法,你的字跡太潦草了。
- Don't swipe at the ball carelessly,Take more careful aim. 別漫不經心地擊球,瞄準一些。
- You should take much care of him, and he's a real apple polisher. 你可得多留心那小子,他可是個貨真價實的馬屁精。
- You should take much care of him,and he's a real apple polisher. 後面那輛車真讓人受不了,我不明白那司機為什麼一直按喇叭。
- You should take much care of him, and he's an apple polisher. 你對他得多當心點兒,他可是個馬屁精。
- We shouldn't look down upon them, instead we should try to help them and take more care of them. 我們不僅不該歧視他們,反而更要多幫助、照顧他們。
- After the chief accountant had bloodied Olive's nose about errors in the figures, she took much more care over checking them. 自從總會計師責備奧列夫在做帳時發生數字差錯后,她在核對數字時小心多了。
- Pls. Take more care of your.Actually It's nothing important, just long time no see! A little more missing you accordingly! 沒有問題,保重。其實也沒有什麼很重要的事情,只是很久沒見,有些想你!
- C. People don't like your self-assertion. You always center yourself and never think about others. You should take more care about others' feelings. 大家不太喜歡你自作主張的作風。你總是以自我為中心,毫不顧及他人感受。你應該多考慮一下別人的心情。
- The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy said they need to take more care over Text Message Injury - TMI - to avoid long-term problems. 物理治療學會說他們需要對簡訊息損害-簡稱TMI給予多點的關心以避免長期的問題。
- These old take much care of the pullulation of the young generation. 這些老人十分關心年青一代的成長.
- I start to believe the time`s power,it effect on me .I learn to say good-bey to the past.and take more care of what I have now! 薩爾獨自站在祭壇上,插上風,水,火,土四種圖騰,開始給大家進行戰前的祝福。。。。。