- Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends. 每個人都會受傷,讓你的朋友為你撫慰。
- We can all take comfort in knowing that the rescue team is coming. 得知援救隊即將來到,我們就可以安心了。
- Take comfort in knowing that the same energy within the sun. 令人安慰的是,在太陽中的相同能量。
- I see no grounds for taking comfort in that notion. 我看沒有這種自我安慰的根據。
- To take comfort in something 引以為慰
- The fact that China has given us her full support is something that we should take comfort in. 我們感到更加鼓舞和欣慰的,是國家對於我們開展的事業,給予很大的支持。
- Take comfort in your friends. If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone. 每個人都會受傷。從你的朋友處尋找慰藉吧每個人都會受傷。不要放棄。不。不要放棄。假如你感覺獨自一人,不,不,不,你不是單獨一人。
- Harry smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Sometimes I've felt sunrises were the only things I could take comfort in. Harry微笑著,但那笑意卻不在他眼中。「有時我覺得日出是唯一能安慰我的存在。
- There are people who know that there's always a mystery to be solved.And they take comfort in researching and writing down any important evidence. 也有些人,他們知道迷題總會被揭開,他們熱心於研究,並記錄一切重要的證據。
- Dear reader, there are people in the world who know no misery and woe.And they take comfort in cheerful films about twittering birds and giggling elves. 親愛的讀者,世界上有些人他們不懂什麼叫悲慘,卻沉迷於歡快的電影中對嘰嘰喳喳的鳥兒和咯咯笑的精靈感到寬心。
- Clothes that hang onto the body translate the feel of this look - hipster skirts, bell bottomed pants, leather and lace. Glamour is trashed so take comfort in rock and roll. 緊緊的裹住身體的服裝演繹了這一季的流行----時髦的裙子,喇叭褲,皮革飾邊。搖滾中的舒適是一種無法抗拒的美。
- Take comfort in knowing that even a modest incremental reduction can confer significant health benefits, lowering your risk of heart disease or diabetes. 靜下心來想一想既使一種適度增加的減重也能帶來巨大的健康益處,減少你患心臟病和糖尿病的風險。
- Zhengchi arms in the military, strengthening border control, choose to levy Shanzhan, strict generals the troops, take comfort in Mongolia good-neighborly policy. 在軍事上整飭軍備,加強邊防,選用能征善戰、帶兵嚴格的將領,對蒙古採取安撫睦鄰政策。
- The City boss is aggrieved his side failed to secure the point their play merited, however, he did take comfort in the fact that United's delighted demonstrated the significance of the result. 休斯對沒能守住平局感到難過,然而,他也從對手的慶祝動作中感到了欣慰。「我看到加里-內維爾像個瘋子一樣跑了上去,」休斯說。「這讓我想起了弗格森當年和他的助教布萊恩-基德。」「這表現了我們的地位,說明我們是他們的勁敵。」
- It is largely conditioning.We take comfort in what we're conditioned or indoctrinated to do.For instance, the irrational behavior in some cultures of treating aliens far better than locals. 醫學實驗證明,悅耳的聲音和良好的信號能使大腦神經中樞的肽類物質動力增強,從而經過神經體液的調節作用,使血管緊張度降低,血壓平穩,心率舒緩,顏麵皮膚光澤,眼睛明亮,骨骼肌緊張度下降。
- "Introducing a ratings condition was not popular, but they took comfort in the high credit quality of Pfizer," one person said of Wyeth. 一位來自惠氏的知情人士稱,在兼并協議中引入信用評級是不常見的,但這使銀行們從輝瑞的高信用評級中獲得安心。」
- "Wild creatures [like these sandpipers] find refuge all along the Altamaha, taking comfort in a river left to its free-flowing ways. 野生物種(如圖中的磯鷂)在阿爾塔馬哈附近尋找庇護所,它們需要依賴河流生活。
- Din Syamsuddin, Muhammadiyah's current chairman, takes comfort in the presence, among the 560 DPR members, of 161 with a 「Muhammadiyah social background」. 穆罕默德協會的現任主席沙姆蘇丁對現在的議會席位感到安慰。在560名議員中,有161人擁有「穆罕默德協會背景」。
- Phyl got one wheel of the pram caught in something. 菲兒推的嬰兒車有一個輪子被什麼東西夾住了。
- Indulging in something, such as an activity, to excess; voracious. 沉溺於過分沉溺於某物的,如活動; 貪婪的